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Trying to interpret the cause of the extreme impact

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Hi all,

I visit infrequently now days, but still check in occasionally as I had to take a study break and focus elsewhere for a little while. 2024 is an interesting year per my chart, I am having both a  Jupiter return and my 2nd Saturn return this year. They aspect each other from Pisces/Gemini, I am currently running Sa/Ve/Sa dasa. Cancer lagna, Venus is my 4th Lord.  I was in need of another vehicle, I had been driving a 2001 model for many years.  I absolutely needed better gas mileage and faith in it's reliability. So, after saving a little cash I took the plunge and went into debt for a preowned (2021) last week.  I have not been in debt for 10+ years so this was a big deal for me.  I consulted transits and muhurta and was "good"/OK for the date that I signed papers and brought my car home.

So here's the "kicker" - LOL! There were a couple things that were "hidden" until AFTER I signed on the dotted line. All of them ELECTRONICS !  They had to put a part on order, the touch screen panel is malfunctioning - they will replace.  Car has an electronic start and oops - one of the keys is missing, so I have to get that replaced and programmed. But as an added oddity - the final cleanup (detail) on the car was very poorly done, which I found odd. I was able to get some "accommodations" from the dealership for the issues and still waiting to find out when the part comes in (delay).  That night I started to have immediate remorse. 

Well 3 days later I come down with a "VIRUS" !?!? I could be wrong, but I'm theorizing that I picked up the virus either from or at the same time that I purchased the car or that day. I've attached a screen shot of the transit chart at approximate the time that I took possession of car.  It's interesting for sure and all the key points are triggered.  Honestly, I can't recall another time when I had multiple factors come together and so many things "hit" and coincide like this event.  I'm hoping that it all works out...

4 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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There are a lot of things to examine and you are best off if you use the muhurta screen in kala and select vehicle muhurta. At a quick glance, there is the problem of saturn aspecting moon strongly and you never want that, Jupiter aspects moon to too help things out, but there are dozens of other things that need to be looked at all of which you can see in the muhurta screen. 

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there is lots going on in the chart for July 17th. On top of the techniques you’ve used, there are some other considerations that explain the event.

Jupiter exactly on the 12th cusp and Rahu. That shows a large expense. In your case it’s due to an investment and should hopefully pay off for you long run.

However, it might come with lessons and greater expense than you’ve anticipated due to Rahu, and also the fact that both Jupiter and Mercury entered their shadow zone July 15th-16th. Mercury is your AK if I’m seeing the chart right. 

Mercury will circle back to the same degrees at the end of August due to Retrogradation and it’s possible by then you would have some of the ordered replacements for your vehicle, but also would have learned even more about the car. So here is an instance in which someone gets something and thinks they don’t have to deal with it again, yet you circle back handling car pieces, paperwork, etc.

Jupiter however, due to Retro, will circle back to the same spot again early February 2025. That means you might see another expense related to July 17th, direct or indirect, and unforeseen due to Rahu. Or maybe who knows, maybe you’ll sell it by then? 

Jupiter can cause expense in the 12th, but if the vehicle makes you happy and brings you joy, it’s an expense well worth it. But Jupiter takes care of Saturn in Pisces in transit, so let’s say you’ve stretched financially by making this purchase, then by spring you might not be able to see it as a blessing, if you didn’t foresee that Jupiter comes in the same spot as July 17th. (But you do know that, so that gives you time to prepare for the costs , just in case they arise).

The virus can also be due to same transit. Your Lagna Lord Moon is over your 6th cusp of health opposite natal Rahu (viruses), and it also has an aspect from Saturn (sickness).

Also, for your particular chart I’d be watching for Mars for vehicles (if I’m able to read your natal chart right from the picture), on top of Venus.

Mars was conjunct Uranus in your 11th house of Titles, a couple of days prior to purchasing. That can show the new car, but also the unexpected and surprises that came with it. I don’t have my notes or Kala software with me cause I’m traveling, but I do know Uranus will come back to the same degrees twice more between now and next spring, plus Mars will retrograde back and forth over your 1st and 2 houses in the fall and spring too. The adventure isn’t over. 

But those are some things that jump at me straight away when I look at the screen shot.

Hope that’s giving you a starting point and a different perspective as to why stuff unfolded the way it did, and it too you by surprise.

Be well.

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@mirela Always love to see your insightfulness! That analysis is pretty heavy.  I will be saving this and referencing it through out, perhaps investing in some advice from a skilled source such as yourself.  You are correct I have a MeR as AK, Sa/DK and Ma/MK, this year is going to be a doozy.

I was just looking at the upcoming Oct eclipse in MY 4th, I'll be surprised if my ailing Mother and or my current long term "situationship" survives the next 6-9 months. And considering the analysis you laid out any or all of these things could play out.

As far as my chart goes, I am 10 days younger than JK Rowling with a Cancer Lagna. Clearly, I missed out on all the great yoga's and creativity, but it is a reference point for my chart.  It might be a fun analysis for me to check to see if her chart is triggered similarly to mine, though in different houses = difference events. But maybe more or less extreme, and might not be made public, since 8th and 12th are hidden houses.

Thank you again. Safe travels my friend. 


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@ernst Yes, I thought I was using the muhurta... apparently, I didn't read the fine print 😉  

Obviously, neglected to see the aspect of saturn/moon.  It was beginning to feel like the best time was NEVER going to be available and a health scare with my elderly Mother (sat/moon again), prompted me to ACT. 

Bright side - I didn't fall off a cliff - YET   🙃 
