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Retrograde Planets in Varshaphala vs Prasna

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Dear Mr. Wilhelm,

I would like to ask whether the yogas work differently in Varshaphala and Prasna?

In the Tajjika Varshaphala audio course, audio #8, from around 51:08 until 01:01:00, you analyze Children Varshaphala chart where Lagna Lord Mercury is Retrograde 16:42 in Taurus and Jupiter is 06:22 in Cancer and you say "Mercury is in Ishrapha (separating from) with Jupiter." Also, Saturn 28:17 in Capricorn, "Mercury is in Itthasala (applying to) with Saturn." You also say "when your Lagna Lord is retrograde, the year makes you, you don’t make the year usually. They do bring about powerful events, because there’s more karmic momentum behind them.”

However, in the Tajjika Prasna course, you say that "When we are looking for the applying or separating, we have to look in the direction that the planets moving. Is it moving forward or retrograde? If it is moving Retrograde Itthasala yoga actually becomes an Ishrapha yoga." (This is in the Tajjika Prasna video courses, video #2 the Tajjika Yogas, from 52:30 to 56:51 something.)

I might have not understood clearly or missed the information at some point, maybe the Retrograde rules are differently applied in Varshaphala and Prasna then, right?

Thank you.





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Hi Zumrut,

Varshaphala and Prasna are both based on the Tajika system and I believe the yogas are exactly the same. 

In a previous post I had asked Ernst about the direction of retrograde planets and this was his answer:

ALways read the yogas in the direction the planets are travelling, so the retro planets yogas get reversed. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
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Yes, the yogas work the same. If a planet is retro, i take the formation of the yogas in reverse direction. 

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Thank you Mr. Wilhelm. 

Would it be too much to ask if you remember why you might have said the opposite while reading the retrograde Lagna Lord in the Varshaphala I course (in the #8 audio between 00:51:08 and 01:01:00)?

Could it be because it was the Lagna Lord and the karmic momentum behind it?


Thank you



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In another thread, someone had taken the time to write about several scenarii (sorry, can't find that thread nor remember who posted it but I had saved it in my "special" folder ???? )

What I think is different though is the interpretation of Israpha yoga. Israpha is Prasna means "no" (negative outcome) when in Varshaphala, it doesn't have that same connotation (the outcome is negative if the planets forming the yoga are enemies, how negative it's going to be will depend on the Dwadasha vargiya of the involved planets, also the houses those planets are in/rule should be taken into consideration). In Varshaphala, Israpha yoga indicates an event (negative or positive) that will happen during the year but that has a basis in the past (in Prasna, that the opportunity has passed, therefore the answer is "no"). Well, that's the way I understand it 😉

Example 1:

Mars @3 degrees Scorpio is making a secretly friendly aspect with a Saturn @6 degrees Capricorn. 

a) If both planets are direct, Mars is approaching forming an ITHASALA yoga with Saturn.

b) If Mars is Retro, Mars is moving away/separating forming an ISHARAPHA yoga with Saturn.

c) If Saturn is Retro, Mars is approaching forming an ITHASALA yoga with Saturn.

d) If both planets are Retro, Mars is moving away forming an ISHARAPHA yoga with Saturn.


Example 2

Mercury @29 degrees Taurus is still making a secretly friendly aspect with a Jupiter @2 degrees Leo, even if they appear to be in 4/10 zodiac signs from each other.

a) If both planets are direct, Mercury is approaching forming an ITHASALA yoga with Jupiter.

b) If Mercury is Retro, Mercury is moving away forming an ISHARAPHA yoga with Jupiter.

c) If Jupiter is Retro, Mercury is approaching forming an ITHASALA yoga with Jupiter.

d) If both planets are Retro, Mercury is moving away forming an ISHARAPHA yoga with Jupiter.


Example 3:

Venus @15 degrees Libra is making an openly inimical aspect with a Mars @10 degrees Aries.

a) If both planets are direct, Venus is separating forming an ISHARAPA yoga with Mars.

b) If Venus is Retro, Venus is is approaching forming an ITHASALA yoga with Mars.

c) If Mars is Retro, Venus is separating forming an ISHARAPA yoga with Mars.

d) If both planets are Retro, Venus is closing in and forming an ITHASALA yoga with Mars.

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Dear Mona,

Thank you for your replies.





Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3504
Joined: 12 years ago

Probably because in the tajika course which was much older I was handling retro planets differently. 

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@ernst It’s like those teenager’s pictures we wish never existed ????

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@ernst Thank you Mr. Wilhelm.


