Kemadruma or not - ...
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Kemadruma or not - Moon in movable rasi and navamsa

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Hi all, can you please confirm whether there is indeed a Kemadruma in this chart or not? The chart is otherwise pretty solid with good yogas, and a single Bandhana yoga as the only significant blemish that I can see - but if there is also a Kemadruma yoga in there, I will need to tone down my predictions of success. 

The formula for this Kemadruma yoga is: Moon in a moveable rasi and navamsa, in a malefic’s navamsa, aspected by an inimical planet, and not aspected by Jupiter. 
Moon is in Capricorn in D1, in Aries in D9, conjunct Mars and not rasi aspected by Jupiter. Attaching the charts as well. 
(The Moon has no enemies, so I am interpreting "inimical planet" as a natural malefic planet, but I could be wrong)

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D9 attached. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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it wants aspected by inimical planet which is not happening here and also mars is exalted and forming a raja yoga with moon as well, so kemadruma is not present. 

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@ernst Thank you! My mistake was interpreting the conjunction as a type of aspect, I will keep it in mind from now on. I did tell him about the great raja yoga involving a Ruchaka Mars, along with many other positives in his chart, including the best lajitadi avasthas I've seen so far. He is 38 but still lost in life (career, relationships, place of living), probably due to the Rahu in 10th + the reverse Mahabhagya yoga and fairly weak Sun reducing his masculine energy.

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Rahu in 10th can be very limiting for a man. A lot of his problem is that he thinks he's supposed to be doing more than he is due to rahu in 10th and the sun and saturn on angles from each other. He has sun with third lord in third. he's meant to be following his different interests as they come up and trying things out, learning and developing his talents in the moment. This is a fun life, not a greatness life he is living. 

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@ernst Thank you so much! I will ponder more on the chart along these guidelines, and advise him.
