Mutual Yoga Karaka
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Mutual Yoga Karaka

3 Posts
2 Users
Posts: 56
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hi everyone, could you please help me? i have a doubt; 
A DB planet in a friend sign, with good or very good lajjitaadi avasthas can form/"become" a mutual yoga karaka if its in a angle with a planet in a natural friend, own, moolatrikona or exalted dignity?
Thank you ???? ????️ 

2 Replies
Posts: 56
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Joined: 4 years ago

Hi! As i have no answer i understand "DB IS DB" haha thanks ok. ???? 

Posts: 233
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Joined: 3 years ago

I seem to remember Ernst saying that DB planets can get help from friends and the other conditions you mention.  There are also the causes of cancellation of debilitation and Neechabanga Raj yogas to look out for in the Mastering Debilitation course.  From what I remember the guidance is that the DB planet still gives DB results and has difficulty manifesting the bhavas it rules but gets bailed out on account of other factors.  Combining this with Vimshottari dasa and transits there is bound to be a time where the friends can't help and some or all of the DB effects will manifest so it's still good to know about how the planet in DB works and who/what bails it out.

A good example is George Bush Jr.'s Varshaphala chart for his 54th year, the year he won the presidency.  Ernst uses this chart in the the Varshaphala course and talks about DB Mars.
