Dead Rat
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Dead Rat

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Hi Everyone,

Does anyone own the deck of cards for Animal Omens (or the Animal Spirit? I'm not sure about the exact name of the deck and the accompanying book) that Mr. Wilhelm mentions in one of his videos about omens?

If so, could you please read me the information on rats?

My story: I feed the stray cats near a dumpster where the recycling garbage collectors drop off their bags. Recently, I saw a rat there drinking water and eating the cat food. I noticed its fur was in bad condition, which made me more concerned. I felt sorry for the rat, but I couldn't bring myself to touch it or take it to the vet—no vets would treat it anyway. I was also worried about the rat spreading disease to the stray cats and me (I wear gloves and try not to touch things much).

Today, I found the rat dead. I was actually relieved and disposed of it using gloves, sticks, and nylon bags.

Since then, I’ve been thinking about Aries being 5 cats and rats, which is my 6th house, and Rahu has been there. Mercury is leaving Aries soon, transiting Rahu, and Mars won't be in the same navamsa for three more days.

I can't think clearly, so I would appreciate anyone willing to share their perspective.

Additionally, knowing what the Spirit Animal Cards say about a rat encounter, especially a sick and then dead one, would be very helpful.

Thank you

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It is called Medicine Cards.

There is no rat symbolism in the book. 

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@scott-m-19 Yes, that is the name. Thank you so much!

No, for mouse or rodent animal? 


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Mouse represents scrutiny according to Medicine Cards. 

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@scott-m-19 Thank you Scott. That gives an idea to me.

Ernst Wilhelm
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so dead mouse or rat means you are scrutinizing something to death> Found one myself today and that made me happy cause I was scrutinzing something to much and the mouse showed me that I was over considering something that was not going to be as big a deal as I had thought it would be. 

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@ernst Thank you! That explains a lot. And I'm grateful for their sacrificial role..


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@zumrutd I have this deck and will make a picture of the description (if you still need that)!

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@tamarap Thank you so much! 

I'd love that. Whenever it would be appropriate for you. 

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@tamarap Thank you so much! 

I'd love that. Whenever it would be appropriate for you. 

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@zumrutd in one week i am back home- with pleasure!

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@tamarap Thank you
