Gift From a Crow
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Gift From a Crow

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I meant to post this a few weeks ago but I've been having computer problems.

It seems that crows are very intelligent creatures with an amazing collective long-term memory, and once you've estabilished a beneficial relationship with them, they often bring gifts in return. And since they are also associated with the powers of Saturn and Rahu and with the spirits of anscestors, one would think the gifts they bring could hold some symbolic meaning as an omen.

Myself and my family have some definite "Pitru Dosha", and the signs of it are in our charts, health, relationships, and circumstances. I am also currently entering Ra maturity, and Ra is involved in at least one of those curses that is active for me now.

We have been regularly feeding crows since we moved here and one finally brought us back a gift. But it wasn't me who initially found it, I was just told it was left in front of my car, which is not a very long way from the part of the yard where we regularly feed crows and where many of them congregate. And it was the perfect size and shape for a crow to carry.

It was a semi-flat chunk of irregularly-shaped solid white quartz. We are currently keeping it in the kitchen windowseal.

I find that interesting because, according to Ernst's gemology, that stone would represent Venus when placed in Taurus. And Ve is in Tau in my main D1 natal chart as well as in my D12, the varga of ancestors where Ra/Ke are important. I am assuming the object was mainly directed at me since it was left right in front of my car.

A few things were going on on the days before it was found. I had recently been examining underneath my car where I had scraped over a median (accidentally) a few days earlier and was trying to determine if a "leak" from that area was just normal condensation. With some help and testing, I decided that it was. (Though I did find that a pressure valve cap was missing on a tire from an even earlier mistake.) I was trying to determine how safe the car was to drive and for how long before the next maintanence.

I had also been thinking about how my Tau Ve is 3rd from lagna pada and how that indicates that I will know when its time to die, even if I don't want to know. And if Ve is the death indicator, it might mean vehicle accident, since Ve is a karaka of vehicles. I am also currently in Ve Mahadasha. I was also thinking about the 8th house dhainya yoga I have in my D16 vehicle varga, which involves a db planet and which could possibly get me and/or my would-be spouse killed. But I neither have a spouse nor a would-be spouse currently.

Sagittarius is involved in that d16 yoga. Also Ra is in Sag. navamsha in my D9, the most relavant varga for my D1 9th house Rahu, esp during Ra maturity now. I am also a D1 Sag. lagna and this recent Sag. eclipse took place right on my asc. so maybe all this Sag. stuff could mean a "fall from a vehicle" according to Jaimini. I had already considered that this may be the eclipse that takes me out of this world anyway. And then the crow did literally leave the rock by my vehicle. (I'm supposed to know beforehand right?)

Perhaps it is a death omen, or maybe just a gemstone prescription, but I really don't care that much about it now anymore anyway, and I'm not interesting in doing a prashna, or card reading, etc. about it.

There is also another possible personal meaning I have considered, but I don't have the energy or clarity to communicate it at this time tonight.

I just think that when we feed and befreind crows, should we assume that the gifts they bring us communicate any meaning in terms of being an omen?

Any thoughts about the objects crows bring us?


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Very interesting, it´s all that I can say. Well, it didn´t sound as a threating omen to me, rather I believe it´s about protection. But that is only based on my gut feeling. I really like crows and ravens. I´ve had a crow omen once too, a good friendly one.



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@meyes It didn't feel like an omen that was predicting something. At least I didn't have a strong inner voice telling me something was going to happen. Nothing particularly sudden or grim.

I had a strong hawk omen help me make a decision about traveling on a stormy full-moon day once.
