Last seen: Dec 10, 2024
@ernst Black Moon Lilith is like the place of lowest chesta bala of the moon. It definitely seems to have an effect, even though not traditionally k...
@ernst Does that mean it has to be more than two colors to be multi-colored? Why wouldn't blue and white count?
@staffan Somewhere in the updated rashi sutras course, Ernst mentioned an updated color scheme for the rashis, which he was experimenting with at the ...
@staffan Thanks for the feed-back. I do remember some of it from the course. Jupiter is my Sag. lagna lord and is in the same sign as the Sa-Ma conj...
@staffan No I haven't tried them for that, but I would like to, but have several questions about it. Would wearing both stones at the same time (one...
@ernst Unfortunately, for some of us with a Mars-Saturn sign-conjunction, this going mad and crazy can backfire and have karmic consequences! But ho...
Thanks Ernst and Staffan.
Google's new "AI overview" to questions typed into the search box seems biased against the use of the tropical zodiac in Vedic Astrology. He/She/The...
@staffan I don't get it either. But I think it might just be a cynical lack of patience. But such clients may indeed not be particularly rewarding...
Yep, that's probably the main reason some tropical vedic astrologers refuse to take on clients with an afflicted 5th lord or 5th house 😆 Ju...
@staffan No worries. I thought it was kind of an elegant omen myself. I think it had several meanings that are idiosyncratic to my predicament. Om...
@staffan Well at least I was willing to stop and help out a struggling insect during during an otherwise completely egomanaical moment, lol. A bit o...
@kannessa-chan So sorry for the late reply. I'll get to it shortly