I have a very simple and basic question that may have been answered covertly or indirectly in the Healing Ra/Ke course, but that I am still not clear on or don't remember well.
Once someone has fully passed through their Rahu maturity age (chronologically, I mean. Say they are already over 45 years old), and still hasn't yet entered or developed Rahu and its territory healthily, would it still be useful to their life if they now start entering Rahu territory more, and developing the sign and conjunct planet that involves Rahu. Even if they are chronologically in or past their Ketu maturity age?
Or would entering and developing Rahu's stuff no-longer help them in this particular lifetime once they are past their early 40s?
Do they just need to give up on that "project", and just try to avoid the temptation to become bitter for the rest of their lives?
Is age 42 the non-negotiable "deadline" for getting better with Rahu?
Rahu maturation does just one thing, it makes it CLEAR to a person what they have to do. They get that insight, they probably make some attempt at it or have an experience of it that is rewarding. And then very, very often everything goes to hell and they end up with nothing other than the insight. The reason is, they are not okay with themselves enough yet to really make the rahu house work even thought they now realize the need, somethign they could not realize before. WHile the need becomes very clear by 42, sometimes it not until 43 or even 44 that a person gets an actual experience of that need. And still, more often things do not work as a result of them not being okay with themselves. Then at 45 is the rebirth year, the time between rahu and ketu maturation. During this period they loose what has been most important to them all or most of their lives. This is being lost because its just a poor excuse for what they have always been looking for, but this felt as a huge loss at 45 because they dont find what they have been looking for. Then they start heading towards the ketu maturation and each year the focus is more and more on learing to be okay with themselves. Not doing this was what made them unable to make rahu work even after they realized what they needed from it. Finally ketu matures and they make a lot of progress with being okay with themselves. They have a foundation of becoming okay with themselves and can build on this for the rest of their lives. As they become more and more okay with themselves they are able to make more and more of rahu work happily for themselves. Eventually the find what they always really needed in life, something they had to find because of the year 45 loss. This can often not happen until after 50, the age of the sun starts. but its possible to happen earlier. The difficulty of the avasthas, particularly of the lords of rahu and ketu and of any planets with rahu and ketu has a lot to say on just how long and tedious this road will be.
So its only a very lucky person that nails something on rahu maturation.
What about Ketu maturation? I know someone who is past their Ketu maturation, but to be okay with themselves, they have changed facts completely to suit their frame of mind. Would that be another type of being okay with themselves?
Not everyone does a good job with being okay with themselves.
Life seems to be requiring a bit more from me than just "being okay with myself".