Whale dream
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Whale dream

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I´m not sure, do we try to understand dreams here too?

Me diving with blue whales, one of them taking me in the mouth and carrying away, or rather the later was the plan... Me in the dream reflecting over the risks etc...?


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I've had this book from Denise Linn "The Secret Language of Signs" for a while so I checked it out for "Whale". I don't look at it often but when I do I always find it quite interesting. Here is what it says:

- The whale uses sonar to tune in to the surrounding environment. The whale can be a sign of perception and intuition. Use your intuition to tune in to the situations in your life. This is a sign to connect with your instincts, creative intuition and psychic perceptions. 

- The whale has tremendous power and strength and yet is gentle and considered non aggressive. You can access the inner strength within yourself and still be gentle and loving

- This sign may concern the size of something, as in a "whale of a job"

- The sign may be a homophone for "wail". Are you grieving or crying for help?

 The carrying away can also indicate a necessary state of surrender?

Hope that helps!


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@mona Yes, I think that puts me on the trail. Also had a complementary dream today, I think I get this. It´s about card reading and also other things... I´ll write to you privately, thank you Mona!


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Have you come across any stories about Matsyendra?

Legends vary, but from what I remember, they basically tell that when Matsyendra was born, an astrologer told the family he was cursed from being born under an inauspicious horoscope. His family didn't want to be involved with the bad luck so they tossed him into the ocean where a large fish swallowed him and carried him away.

During the time he was living in the fish, it swam around an island with an underground cave where Shiva was imparting some secrets of Yoga to his consort. Having overheard Shiva's teachings, he then practiced what he learned for 12 years (interesting astrological number... one full Jupiter cycle!) while continuing to live in the fish, and then came back out as an enlightened siddha master credited with some important early medieval texts on Yoga.

It could contain interesting symbolism about free-will-as-God's-will with regard to life born under difficult stars. And Ketu. Perhaps Jupiter too, as Jaimini associates Jupiter with SambaShiva or Shiva together with his consort, like he was in the cave. And it took Matsyendra one full Jupiter cycle to transform himself and emerge from his captivity in the sea.

I wander if he had a bandhana yoga which would reveal his captivity?

Just my two cents. It may, or may not, relate to what you were working with during the time of the whale dream.


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@mitryendra80 Wow... That really resonates with me and my horoscope. I´m a Sag with Mercury in Sag, Jupiter shamed in my 5th house (but also in Hasta, good naksatra for Jupiter), conjunct Ketu and Mars. I´ve been listening to Ernst this afternoon what he has to say about shamed Mercury and shaming in general, where he says more or less that "a shamed Mercury brings at least some good stuff with it, but a shamed Jupiter is hard to understand what it´s good for..." And also that it´s one of the toughest combinations that you can have in a chart.....

AND - another sync - I happen to be working hard on exact this theme right now, learning to pray with tobacco (Maya tradition, I live in Chiapas, Mexico), where I´m searching for the exact point where self acceptance/self love is balanced with awareness about the inner darkness and depravation.

So yes, your story telling comes like a blessing. Not that the whale carried me away in the dream, after all I resisted it seems. Guess I shouldn´t... But hey, there I am with my tobacco, working on exact these issues. And yes, a tough chart, just like Matsyendra´s that you are telling us about. But with Jupiter/Ketu together there is always hope for growth I think. Also have a good Venus and a good AK Moon in the 4th - Vargottama - that helps me a lot. 

Thank you so much!

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@meyes Hi Mattias,

Are you a Sag Sun? I ask because you mention shamed Jupiter in the 5th in Hasta, so you would be a Tau or Gem lagna? (you don't have to say which).

My uncle is a Sag Sun conjunct my Sag lagna cusp, and this coming solar eclipse in December will hit very close to home for both of us!

Glad to see the Matsyendra thing helped.

There seems to be a lot of folks with emphasis on the four dual signs ruled by the manifesting planets around here.

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@mitryendra80 Yes, your answer was the reason I put the question, I guess. Very helpful.

Gemini Lagna, that is correct, close to the cusp.



