Today is my daughters 25th birthday. I haven´t seen her for more than half of her lifetime, and she woun´t speak to me. She´s very much stuck in an expectation of loyalty to her mother and her mother´s family, which has made her very ill, to the degree that has been dependent on psychofarmaka for several years and had a stroke a year ago that could have ended her life; luckily she got medical assistance rapidly.
Since it´s such an emotional theme for me I find it very difficult to read her chart and make predictions for her. I wonder whether someone on the forum is willing to give me a helping hand with that. The main question is whether she will improve, generally speaking, and also of course whether she will find her way back to me and her paternal family.
I just prayed with a tobacco for her, and it was extremely hard. It wouldn´t light well and took forever to get consumed. It also didn´t open at the bottom, which speaks about emotional blockage, and the ash did not fall off at all, it stayed intact until the end, which almost never happens. It also speaks about a lack of completion. So I will have to keep working on the matter.
Her birthtime is March 3 2000, 11.07, Karlskrona, Sweden.
hello staffan continue praying the universe is listening I think I would suggest has a Prashna been casted yet for concern in mind?