Hello friends,
I am looking to purchase a telescope at home, can someone point me in the direction of a good beginner model? I'm seeing there are many models nowadays and the option to go binoculars vs telescope.
Will the binoculars suffice? I have limited storage and like the idea of being more mobile with the binoculars.
Thank you !
It really depends on your budget. I am very knowledgeable about telescopes and so if you can tell your budget I can point you in the right direction. ALso, what do you want to see most stars, star clusters, planets, or nebulas?
Hi Ernst, thank you. I would like to connect to the planets (at this stage). If I can wrap my head around that I will want to explore more. Is something under $500 good for a set of binoculars? Will that give me good visibility? or do you recommend the telescope route? I am currently living in a city but will relocate to a place with less light pollution next year. Thank you so much.
Binoculars will not cut it on planets. You want to get the biggest aperture you can find. The best thing to do is look for a celestron c8 on cloudynights.com you can find one around that price I think. Or get some kind of 8 inch dobsonian. Definitely get a used telescope. Anything less than 8 inches and you will not get a great view unless you get a good quality refractor in which cast it can be smaller but it will cost 2,000 plus for that. Email me ernst@vedic-astrology.net if you see anything and i can tell you if it's worth going for. its very easy to find those kinds of scopes on cloudynights.com With an 8 inch you can also get good views of the brighter nebulas. For binoculars you really want some kind of image stabilized or a tripod and by the time you get one of those, 500 is used up very quickly and you will see a lot more with a real scope. With binoculars you can see the moons of jupiter, but thats it. with an 8 inch scope you can see the rings of saturn in various colors and you can see the colors on jupiter too.