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Bach Flowers / Homeopathy Questions

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Hi Ernst,

Bach Flowers work on the emotional level and Homeopathy works on the energetic level. Is that correct?

Can they help with something like Glaucoma or a haemorrhage in the eyes? Or something like diabetes or high blood pressure?

Since we operate on 4 levels (physical, mental, emotional, energetic), do people operate primarily on one level which helps balance the others? For example, a Sun in air signs will operate on the mental level, whereas a Sun in earth signs might operate on a physical level. But if the Sun doesn’t do its work, then it affects all the other levels?

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Ernst Wilhelm
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All disease originates on the mental level, which is to say that all disease originates with an idea that is not true and the moment we have that, our energy gets deranged. People will be struggling with disease on different levels more in their lifetime as indicated by Saturn's lajjitaadi avasthas as I taught in the Lajjitaadi Avasthas Heart of Parashara Course. The fastest healing is when we change the wrong idea and also do some kind of energy healing such as bach or homeopathy. If we only do the bach or homeopathy and don't change the wrong idea that is the root of our disease, at some point there will be a relapse. 

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I've noticed in taking the Bach Flower Remedies that it affects my sleep pattern i.e. it's harder to fall asleep at night.

I'm wondering if this has been anyone else's experience as well. 

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Hi Kam, How's your sleep? I have only just started taking the Bach remedies & feel my energy has increased. Waking up easier in the mornings but no issues getting to sleep.

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@devros Hi Devros, I'm not currently using the Bach Flower Remedies but when I was, I noticed that the longer I took the remedies for the more I couldn't sleep at night and would experience nightmares so my solution for myself was to only take the remedy for 3 days and then come off of it.

I'm glad your experience has been so positive. I had a similar experience when trying the remedies for the first time as well. 

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@kam thanks for the update.

Glad you have worked out how to still use the Bach remedies. You obviously must be experiencing some benefit on some level.

Sounds like they were bringing some past karma's to the surface eh.

Peace out ????


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I just finished taking a course of the Rescue Remedy, and I found that it was harder to get to sleep at night too. I can’t remember how it went when I took some Bach Flowers for the first time couple of years ago.

I have at times stayed up late or stayed up the whole night, but gone back to normal in a couple of days. But this staying up was different, and I wasn’t able to break the pattern. I thought it might be because I had started having too many ginger teas or it was the hot weather or just age changing my sleeping patterns, and never would have associated it to the Bach Flowers. 

I haven’t taken the Rescue Remedy for a couple of weeks now, and things seem to have started going back to normal slowly. But it could also be because I stopped taking ginger teas and the weather has cooled down a bit.

It will be something to keep in mind next time I take the Bach Flowers. Thanks for bringing it up.

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@manisha Thanks for sharing your experience with me.

This is me digressing, but in Human Design, I know that my digestion type is Calm Touch, which means that the most optimal way that I take in food and information for digestion is when I'm alone or in a calm environment. Unfortunately for me, this often happens when I'm supposed to be sleeping lol so I end up scrolling through my phone for long periods of time at night. When I was doing the Bach Flower Courses though, it was definitely energy on another level. I was practically buzzing all night and when I finally did fall asleep in the early morning hours, I would have bad dreams.

Stopping the courses after 3 days seemed to do the trick of allowing me to experience the healing benefits of the remedy without overdoing it. I have a 3 of Spades as my Pluto card as well so I need to learn when it's time to leave things that are no longer working for me instead of holding on to them for longer than is healthy.       

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Did you get a Human Design reading, or did you find your constitution through your own studies?

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@manisha I did my own studies. There are a lot of great resources available online.
