Hi - I have a Sa, Mo conjunction in the 2nd in Scorpio w/ Me and Ke as well. @ernst in one of his videos talks about remedies to alleviate the traumatic experiences from following a healthy lifestyle, food/diet habits and spending quality time in solitude. In one of the videos he mentions getting a lot of therapy - does anyone have experience with EMDR? My therapist is recommending EMDR to help calm my nerves, not live in the past and subside those traumatic/abusive experiences.
Flower essences like Australian flower essences can be very helpful to erase the trauma of Saturn moon.
EMDR can help, also with a saturn moon conjunction there are always a lot of repressed emotions of dissapointment, abandonment or rejection and it's important that a person starts to give space to these emotions instead of automatically repressing them until they make the person emotionally or physically ill, make the person to thin or gain to much weight, etc.
@healthy_living Hi, having some experience (with Sa/Mo conjunct, both starved and other planets starved, too) in different remedies I could recommend some additional tecniques I found helpful:
the binaureal beats (only with cable headphones), still help me a lot to relax and before I´m going to sleep, then the Journey of Brandon Bays: she works directly with emotions / traumata (sometimes there are free offers ...): https://home.thejourney.com/ ... to get more in touch with the body: Lomi Lomi Nui massage and the Ho´óponopono: both hawaiian methods to find peace for body and mind ... or the ayurvedic self-massage using ayurvedic oils and starting the day by massageing yourself or at least the feet, you´ll find videos for sure, getting thus closer to/into your body with self-care - take a bath with base salt for the feet and meanwhile imagine that your higher self or a transparent very light ball from above moves slowly, slowly down to your head, through the whole body taking all dark stuff, thoughts, emotions down through your feet under your feet into the earth and then feel how your body feels like ...
EFT emotional freedom technique could also offer you some release - especially knocking softly the sternum - wish you all the best!
I will be teaching a new course soon that will cover all this, what is happening, how its caused, how to heal it.