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about "ernst wilhelm hora" D2

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Dear all! Was the horacalculation that Ernst uses used before by some classical or modern author, as far as we know? I checked my SriJyoti Star, which gives choice of ten different horas. But seems the "E.W. Hora" is not among them.

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Hi Werner,

You may find information about the calculation of the Vargas as mentioned in BPHS, in the “Indications of Vargas Course”

The Vargas are derived from the Rasi. How a Rasi is calculated could differ according to different softwares. Kala, as far as I came across, has the most detailed tailor-made Calculation Options in the Menu.

In my humble opinion, it could be that the rasi you might be looking for, therefore the Hora, etc. Vargas, could be viewed different than the results in the software you mention. Please, make sure they have the same foundational settings to begin with.

Thank you


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@zumrut Hello! thx. I am now studying the Vargas from Ernst´s videos. Thats why I had the idea of asking. I understand how Ernst is calculating. And my question remains: is Ernst calculating in a way that we know was used before? And if so by whom or in which script. If known to somebody. Other klassical Horacalculations are named: Goly, Jagannath, Kashinath, Manduka, Mihir (Labh), Parashara (the Cancer-Leo one), Parivritti Daya, Sama Saptaka, Sam Mukha and Somnath. All different and the E. W. one again different. In case you want to compare or get into that. But dont get confused or cracy -;)). I believe the way to find out must be to follow very well thought throug and perfectly translated the old scripts AND try to understand the "why". Thats what imho Ernst does much better than I ever could. Thanks Ernst!!! But I also dont want only to believe even Ernst, you see. In that way one also does not get cracy with that great science which is developing fast at these times. Thx and all the best.


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Please find how Mr. Wilhelm calculates the Hora chart via the link:


I hope this might help.

Thank you


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and yes. i used exactly the same rashi with kaala as with the other program, which does not feature "E. W. hora"

and one can trust ernst very much. i was in india a couple of months ago and asked some very learned pundits to translate the slokas from surya siddhanta and some other scripts that ernst mentions. the slokas concerning tropical versus siderial zodiak. they all confirmed the E. W. translations. But they use the siderial. and mostly Lahiri Ayanamsa which even by spherical geometry logic is not correct, and Lahiri himself was desperateto tell everybody about his mistake. Who can understand. OOOOMMMMM

I dont want to be misunderstood, so: These Pundits imho are great, and not only by knowledge but also wisdom and spirituality and so on. Also by my small understanding many of them in different shools are great astrologers. No question about that. As the great linguistic scientist Max Müller said: (From wikipedia)

 In his "What can India teach us?" lecture at University of Cambridge, he championed ancient Sanskrit literature and India as follows:

If I were to look over the whole world to find out the country most richly endowed with all the wealth, power, and beauty that nature can bestow—in some parts a very paradise on earth—I should point to India. If I were asked under what sky the human mind has most full developed some of its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered on the greatest problems of life, and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attention even of those who have studied Plato and Kant—I should point to India. And if I were to ask myself from what literature we, here in Europe, we who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks and Romans, and of one Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw that corrective which is most wanted in order to make our inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal, in fact more truly human, a life, not for this life only, but a transfigured and eternal life—again I should point to India.

— Max Müller, (1883)[30]
And on personal note about my very limited astrology: I love the siderial zodiaks as well as the tropical one, and about ayanamsas i wait for divine intuition.-;))
Thanks for reading all this.
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@werner Do you have both kala and shriyoti to compare for what is being calculated for D2? How does kala differ?

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@uunarim hello. yes, i have both. here are the different d2s shrijyotistar calculates named. Other klassical Horacalculations are named: Goly, Jagannath, Kashinath, Manduka, Mihir (Labh), Parashara (the Cancer-Leo one), Parivritti Daya, Sama Saptaka, Sam Mukha and Somnath. and none is same as e.w. they all look like different horoskopes. i gave the names for people who want to find out more. i cant give info on how to calculate and so on. sorry. only e.w. d2 ernst has fine lecture as is given link by zumrutD above. regards.

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The different D2 might work with different schools, maybe some are rubbish. IF SOMEONE HAS A COLLECTION EXPLAINING THEM WOULD BE FINE: Btw.: sri jyoti star does not calculate tropical rashis with sid. nakshatras, pity. andrew foss seems does not like this idea. i asked him to put it, but he denied. 

Ernst Wilhelm
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The sun/moon is not the hora calclation of Parashara, those are the lord calculations. BPHS infers the calculation that I use for the Hora in two ways. One way is that he uses the word like the hora in teh drekkana sutra, which means the way we do the drekkana is like the hora and they way we do the drekkana is that we take the 3 rasis equally spaced from the sign in question. This is the preffered method of BPHS WHENEVER this method is possible, its possible for the Hora as well.

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@ernst thx! and btw: since i listened to some vic dicara ("the new yorker") lectures i started loving your english ????what a beautiful english you have ???? 

as the hora which is given by kaala is different from any of those which are given by srijyotistar i suppose that your method is not used traditionally? but your logic again makes sense.

Ernst Wilhelm
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yes, no one else has thought about with logic and really contemplated the hora an drekkana sutras, so no one else uses it. ALso, you need to understand that until the 90s, 99.9 percent of astrologers were not using any varga other than navamsa. And if they used hora they ONLY used hora lords. Astrologers are now overusing vargas in many ways in an effort to get their basic techniques to work better and they are not using the varga lords or deities at all. Previously only the lords of hora and trimsamsa were much used and the shastiamsa deities to a small extent. But there is a huge amount of information to be used in respect to the deities and a lot of predictive techniques to use with the lords of the vargas. So a lot still needs to be done. I am working all this stuff out, but its very time consuming and not going to be something I will teach all that soon as the foundation for it all is the Adityas which I  need to finish first. 
