I frecuently have conversations with a ligth being. It recently visited me to help me with my transformation. This is a very transformatory year for me, if you don´t believe me, check out the 55th year spread of 5 of Clubs. She told me that I´m actually 54, according to their counting. She referred to the number 9, a powerful year for connection to higher energy. I was astonished of course, "What do you mean, I´m 54". She smiled. To them, according to their way of seeing it, I´m 54. So I came to the conclusion that the first year, the Moon year, we belong to our mother, and are being born as individuals when we turn one.
Has anyone heard of this way of counting? Is there another way of reading our chart?
I remember that Ernst saying that we consider the mothers chart during the first four years. But this is different.
Very interesting staffan is this light being like an astral being or an actual person that’s enlightened.
The former
What's the year showing up in your birth card spread? Probably it should also 54 only as it starts from age 0?
Okay, first year is the natural age of moon the mother, the baby who gets properly nourished by a deeper connection physically and emotionally to the mom turns out into a healthy adult for which he needs a good moon. This is natural age and counted in astrology. As your question is happening at another dimension, they would have some different calculation.