If Sun is aspecting Jupiter, it separates itself from Jupiterian things. If, in the same case, Moon is also aspecting Jupiter to the same amount, it is pulling it towards itself. So, this will cause a push-pull energy for the person? Where the Moon pulls Jupiterian things towards the person, and the Sun pushes it away?
sun and moon are both delighting Jupiter, so they both give the person more fulfillment with Jupiter things. They do it in different ways though but they both give happiness with it. The moon aspecting Jupiter adapts what is good in them to realize the fulfillment possible and part of the reason they do it is for the need of Jupiter, which is a healthy need in this case. The sun aspecting Jupiter focuses his inspirations on what he is actually good at, what he is meant to focus on, and as a result Jupiter things are fulfilling and meaningful to him but he does not need them so he wont spend as much time with them as the Moon aspecting Jupiter does.
Jupiter is getting aspects from friends, so he is fulfilled. The moon will feel fulfilled based on all the planets influencing him.