Discovering secrets
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Discovering secrets

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(@Anonymous 35065)
Joined: 5 months ago

Hello, I was just wondering if anybody knows what would show a person that finds out (unintentionally) other people's secrets. Like finding letters of work colleague's secret bonuses or wedding ring that was kept hidden until the proposal or Christmas present. I am this person and feel like all the joy is being taken away for the nice surprises plus I have to pretend I am surprised so I don't ruin the moment and I would really really like not to know about the bad ones. Is there a remedy? Thank you!

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Any chance you can post your chart? Do you have strong 8th and 12th bhava influences, or Pluto being strong in your chart? I am this type of person as well (not so much physically finding, but finding OUT about things) - I simply "know" things right away sometimes, just a strong intuition I guess. But I personally love that quality, it's like magic 🙂 Perhaps you can try to change your attitude about this ability of yours, try to feel gratitude for it, and the effects in your life will gradually become more positive. 

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(@Anonymous 35065)
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Posts: 46

Thank you, Nadya! Here's my chart

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(@Anonymous 35065)
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I have Rahu in 8th and Pluto in 12th and Scorpio lagna. Oh, my intuition is very sharp, but these things just reveal to me, like I'm looking for something in a backpack and by mistake find the engagement ring my future husband plans to propose with. Even as a child I used to find the presents all the time. Thank you for the advice, indeed I should be more grateful for it 🙂

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@shugara2002 I had responded to your chart but my comment disappeared upon trying to post.

I'm still a novice when it comes to vedic astrology - so my view based on limited knowledge is that your strong intuitive abilities come from the strong Scorpio energy, the 8th house Rahu (8th gets a full aspect from your lagna lord Mars) and Pluto is at an angle from your Moon.

I believe that if you choose to see this ability in a positive light, gradually you will start "finding" things that you actually do want to find 🙂 

With so many self factors and energy focus in the signs of Mars and Venus, you're probably a very passionate person. + Mars opposite Venus! And due to the positive Mahaparusha yogas (Venus and Mars in own signs in angles) you must have so many Venusian and Martial abilities and qualities. 

Lots of focus in the 7th house of others. Do you deal with the public in some capacity, or do lots of business/trading through partners, or foreign trade? I would imagine there is lots of focus on relationships and partnerships in this lifetime.


(@Anonymous 35065)
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Posts: 46

@nkan I appreciate you taking the time to reply, I am passionate about astrology but started to truly study it for little time. Changing perspective works for me, I actually do that often to change negative thoughts and fears into higher vibrations feelings, so maybe soon I'll succeed also for this type of events. 

I do have the qualities and it's a little surprising for people around me because I look like a very delicate woman that loves to be beautiful but I'm competitive, I mean business whenever I want something and I'm also a very good problem solver in many ways. 

I work in finance, I have served clients in a bank branch, now I'm in a position where I work with all people in the bank, so the relationships are essential to me and to my job. Another thing, I have only applied for 1 job, the first and the other jobs I was recommended by colleagues, so relationships helped me a lot in life.

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@shugara2002 Sounds pretty awesome! 
Thank you for sharing that, it's almost scary how powerful Astrology is sometimes (well, Astrology taught by the right teachers of course :))

(@Anonymous 35065)
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@nkan yes yes yes, I am amazed by astrology since forever and so happy I have found Ernst and I bet you too 🙂

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The 8th house is what first comes to mind, of course, as Nadya said. Then I would look for planets in nakshatras like Mula and Shravana. 

I bet there are yogas for this; I don´t know them though.


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4th, 8th and 12th are all hidden houses, so anything that has to do with secrets can be indicated by any of them. 8th is the most secretive though. 8th are things secrets for the world AND for oneself too, which seems to be the case. 4th is more "private", for example. "It´s at home, you can´t see it." 12th is out there in the world but not seen. Invisible. Things that are not being noted. Things behind a veil. It could be spirits and angles, so there is an ockult nuance to it. 8th is what represents secrets in a more typical way; like card reading, criminal cases, hidden things coming up to the surface. A minute before reading your post I read a notice about a father and son finding a silver treasure from the 17th century. That kind of things.

Mula naksatra has a touch of that as well. And Shravana is the listening ear, that may detect things that other people don´t hear. 

To my understanding.


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(@Anonymous 35065)
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Thank you Staffan, Rahu is in my 8th - need to develop more inner strength & trust others. Nakshatras don't match, so my only planet in 8th remains Rahu. 


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@shugara2002 Yeah... hard to say without seeing the chart. It might be hard enough even then.


(@Anonymous 35065)
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@staffan I have posted it above in the reply to Nadya, if you are curious and have the time of course 🙂

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I tried but my computer screen is too small and eyesight too poor to get much out of it. Even if I could. I can´t read the naksatras name´s for example.


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