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Hello Forum,

I just want to confirm that eclipses occur when the Sun and Moon are exactly conjunct (new moon for solar eclipse) or when exactly opposite (full moon for lunar eclipse) and when within a 17.25 degree orb of conjunction to Rahu/Ketu. That the exact eclipse degree is where the new/full moon occurs? 


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Yes , for a Solar eclipse that is total - the observed totality will occur exactly when Sun and Moon are in the same degree and minute, even if the eclipse node is lets day 4 degrees away. I hope I didn't read your question all wrong...

The total solar eclipse from US on August 21st 2017 - lets say Nashville TN was one of the places where the eclipse was total. The totality started at 1:27pm and lasted until 1:29pm even though the partial solar eclipse was visible for almost 2 hours before and ended 2 hours later (or something like that). Sun+Moon were @28:52deg Leo at 1:29pm, WHile Rahu @24:13 Leo.

Btw, the chart of the Solar Eclipse from April 20th 2023 from Aries looks absolutely terrifying with the square to Pluto and ruler Mars DB, especially cause it's the second consecutive New Moon of Aries, following the one now on March 21st. 

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Thank You, Mirela.

Yes, I asked this in part because this upcoming solar eclipse occurs on my birthday (solar year return chart) which means less than a degree from my natal Sun which is also my ascendant lord....I think I am already feeling this eclipse! I am curious of its effects. 

So I guess a lunar eclipse is when sun and moon are exactly opposite in degree and minute as well? 

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Posts: 162

@scott-m-19 yes, that would be correct for the lunar eclipse

Let us know how it goes and how is this eclipse influencing you. 

I am in a similar situation where it hits my chart pretty heavily so I am sure it will be a "funny" one for me too. It happens right on my Asc Lord Mars (within 1 deg), with Rahu exact on my 7th cusp, all while Mars is DB in the sky exactly on my 9th cusp. Then Pluto in transit squares my natal Mars (also AK) and it is opposite my natal Jupiter (also) DK, plus the eclipsed Sun is also squaring my natal Jupiter. 
