Focal Bhava factors...
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Focal Bhava factors - Primary and Secondary - my summary

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Hey all, 
I know there have been several discussions already on this forum on the topic of evaluating the focal bhavas when first analyzing a chart. (as taught in the Concrete Chart & Varga analysis with Jaimini course)

This is the list I am using currently, I would love to hear your thoughts on it. Do you think any of the factors are redundant or are there any missing? Would you agree with the primary and secondary classification?
*LL= Lagna Lord; AK = Atmakaraka
** houses = bhava cusps

- houses ruled by planets in or aspecting Lagna
- house LL is in
- house ruled by LL aside from 1st (if any)
- house AK is in
- houses ruled by AK
- houses aspected by AK

- houses aspected by LL
- houses ruled by planets with LL (same Rasi)
- houses ruled by planets aspecting LL
- houses ruled by planets with AK (same Rasi)
- houses ruled by planets aspecting AK

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Perhaps the house the Sun is in should also be included - Sun being the AK for all of us. 

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@nkan Yep, I was about to say that. You could add the Sun the same way Ernst does in the Jaimini handout about career, in bracket: "(The sun, if strong...)"

Nice job!


Amit Bhat
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I think the strongest focal cusp is the one conjunct to AK or LL and the cusps whose lords are connected to them via conjunction or aspect. And also those cusps whose lord are sitting in lagna. 

These are the primary cusps our life will slide along and our consciousness will move through life and then what creativity and inspiration sun will add to would be the cusps joined or ruled by Sun as an upper layer. 

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@amit thank you for your input. So you mainly look at:

  • House LL is in
  • House AK is in
  • Houses ruled by planets in Lagna
  • Houses ruled by planets with or aspecting AK
  • Houses ruled by planets with or aspecting LL

+ Inspiration from Sun: house Sun is in + Leo house

(referring to house cusps, I just put "houses" for simplicity's sake)

I'm trying to develop a system for myself where I look for confluence, seeing as for many charts if we look at all the factors we end up with 6-7 or more focal house cusps. So basically if there is repetition of some focal areas, then there is even more focus there, and I can see which themes will be more prominent in the life of the person. Just like shown in the course, of course, but trying to decide if there are factors that have more weight than others, e.g. the house cusps LL and AK conjunct. 


Amit Bhat
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Yes, the more the repetition of a cusp, the stronger the focus 

Amit Bhat
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One more thing to see stronger focus is go the relevant varga of cusp and see there is a connection again, then it is even more stronger focal cusp 

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@amit right! AK is straightforward but what about LL - do we look at a connection to the LL for that specific varga, or if a specific planet is the LL in Rasi we look at connections to that planet in each varga as well?
Or do you focus more on that cusp aspecting the specific Varga lagna?

Amit Bhat
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Varga lagna and it's lord

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@amit What about these factors, aren´t they as important pointing out the main focus?

1. Yoga producing grahas, especially Raj yogas.

2. Swa


Amit Bhat
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Raj yogas show great success but what path the person is travelling is on those cusps. Say 4th cusp is key focal bhava that means amidst everything the person is seeking happiness, say 5th cusp is the key focal bhava, so amidst everything he is seeking to unleash his creative intelligence 
