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How big of a deal is temporary friendship?

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Let's say moon is in Aquarius and saturn is in Scorpio. Moon is in a friendly rasi cause saturn is not too far away. Let's say Saturn is in Virgo, now moon is in an enemy rasi. How big of a deal is this for the moon as an isolated factor? I tend to look at natural friendships and pretty much ignore combined dignity. So i would consider moon as neutral in both cases and focus on other things. Big mistake?

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Amit Bhat
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Moon in enemy dignity means person will find himself in enemy circumstances, so he won't be well dignified in that house. 

In neutral means, neither good nor bad circumstances.

So Saturn in Virgo will cause stress on moon and cause it to be less productive.

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I guess temporary friendships are used in deeptadivashtas, primarily?

I guess natural friendships are used in interpreting subjective reality at air element level and temporary friendships are used for interpreting objective/concrete reality and also subjective reality at Earth element level.

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So you would agree that combined dignity creates a concrete environment for a planet, but other things affect how it feels about itself doing stuff in that environment?

Is the idea that, in this example, because Saturn is far away from home, it can't look after Aquarius that well and thus Moon is in enemy circumstances? But if Saturn is strong in shadbala and delighted, we'd think it helps cusps in Cap and Aquarius no matter how far it is?

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Amit Bhat
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You have to judge concrete circumstances and lajjitadi avasthas separately and then see a combined view. 

So Saturn's delight will delight his bhava cusps but not moon. Also his shad bala will help moon's concrete things 

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@amit This is helpful for me (and hopefully others) to understand. I would appreciate your reflection.

As I am hearing it, bhava cusps are singular elements of the chart that themsevels are 1) Ruled by their sign's lord, and 2) Given the effects (digntity etc) of their sign's lord. 

In this way, they are similar to planets in that they receive the condition of their lords. A delighted lord of a bhava will "delight" the bhava. A "delighted" bhava cusp will allow the native to "find a way through" the concrete affairs of that house, and also may result in compensation through the delighted house for difficult avasthas in other houses. 

However, bhava cusps are dissimilar to planets in that a delighted bhava cusp does not give the effects of its delight to the planets in the same sign. This is a different thing.

E.g. if the 6th House cusp is in Scorpio and Mars is in Capricorn, the 6th House cusp and the 6th House are "delighted." If the Moon is also in Scorpio, it is still debilitated, regardless of the delighted house cusp it is with (delighted 6th house). In this way, house cusps receive the effects of their lords and simply bring those effects down to concreter results in the affairs of life. They don't spread those effects to the rest of the chart. 

If a clearer or more correct statement could be made, I would appreciate your reflection. And thank you for all the input on this forum, I notice your posts regularly. 


Amit Bhat
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Bhava cusp is the concrete thing, planet is the lord of house where that concrete thing is present. Planet is also the direct producer of concrete things. Like Venus for woman and Jupiter for children.

So, if moon is db in house with 6th cusp,  then concrete circumstances can get alarming because of moon's deepatadi avasthas. 

Then it's lord is exalted means proud in taking care of 6th cusp related things. 

Then again you can see what delight or starvation other planets will be transferring to 6th cusp based on the aspects. So, say Sun is also proud and fully aspecting 6th cusp, then 6th cusp will get that delight too. Again say Saturn is starving and aspecting 30 virupas to 6th cusp means half of Saturn's starvation will affect on health and finances too.

Then according to current bhukti lord, you see what dominating influences 6th cusp is experiencing at the moment. If bhukti lord is Mars, then it will be a happy period, if starving saturn then stressful period, if moon then very alarming circumstances along with moon's LA. If moon is say highly delighted, then alarming circumstances plus the perfectly right attitude to deal with the situation too.

Basically need to understand all principles of concrete Jaimini analysis, deeptadi avasthas, plus LAs for full range of things happening 


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@amit Your explanation is so, very helpful. I am finding that each individual "topic" comes quite accessibly to me, and the ordering, prioritization, and relationships between the many topics that yields a concrete, coherent statement still seeks clarity. Thank you for this significant boost down the road. 

Would recommend any particular Ernst course to get a rounded picture of chart synthesis? Let's say, after completing and studying LA, DA, and Jaimini as individual topics. Many thanks.

Amit Bhat
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I think the best way is to start with the topics that is most interesting to you. Then once done, you will get the lead to the next most relevant one. 

Ernst has covered basics of horoscope series in youtube. If you are new to astrology, you can get started here.

Also you can get this vaultoftheheavens ebook and get a good view about all the topics.

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@amit 🙂 Thank you. Yes those are excellent resources. I have read Vault, Grahas, and covered about 100 hours of Ernst audio and video. Currently finding courage every day to meet the LA course, wow :). I am two years into astrology. This is all to say again, thank you, and I appreciate the encouragment to keep exploring!
