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Joined: Jul 13, 2020
Last seen: Feb 27, 2025
Topics: 19 / Replies: 94
RE: Elements/Planets of the Pandavas (Mahabharata)

@ernst But Mars is a brahmachari! But how about if we consider Arjuna as both Moon and Mars, especially since the other Pandavas are given two plan...

3 months ago
RE: Elements/Planets of the Pandavas (Mahabharata)

@ernst Thanks for the reply. I am able to relate to Arjuna being Mars. But, my question is, how do we explain the "many wives" and "playboy" nature of...

3 months ago
Replies: 1
Views: 237
RE: Tychos Model and Sun-Mars Binary system

@ernst Thanks for your view on this. For the 24000 year yuga cycle theory we need a binary twin for our Sun, any thoughts on what could this celes...

10 months ago
Replies: 3
Views: 386
RE: Improving Dig-bala of parents - Saturn and Sun

@ernst Do we have the freedom to actually improve the low dig bala or do we have the freedom to only become immune to the low dig bala by healing t...

10 months ago
RE: Yugas, birth charts and planetary alignments

@ernst Does Vishnu represent the entire universe or just the Milky Way galaxy? Since Bramha (Vishnu nabhi or Vishnu navel) is interpreted as the ga...

11 months ago
RE: Mercury combustion

@amit Thank you, it does make sense, I will try to understand it further. Can also please elaborate the difference between combust (non-agitated)...

11 months ago
RE: Mercury combustion

@amit , Exalted Jupiter will not help the chesta of combust mercury but it will help manifest the bhavas that mercury rules. How will exalted...

11 months ago
RE: Mercury combustion

@amit @ernst Hi Amit, So do we interpret a combust planet the same as a planet with a chesta bala of zero? Also, what if the Sun also is at zero...

11 months ago
RE: Mercury combustion

@ernst @amit, thanks for your response. it seems combust mercury is not that uncommon. But we need mercury to make things work. So for the people wi...

11 months ago
11 months ago
Replies: 15
Views: 847
RE: Sun influences and building the kingdom

@ernst @amit Hi Ernst, Since there were duplicate posts of mine in this thread (due to slow system response and multiple submits from me), I tried...

1 year ago
RE: Sun influences and building the kingdom

@amit Thank you for the clarification. I have a few questions: How does the Sun manifest, with it being a separator? It the Sun were not exalt...

1 year ago
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