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Regarding Basic Rmedies for Afflicted Bhavas

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Hello @ernst and fellow astrologers. I have a client who has a heavily afflicted 4th bhava cusp/Aries rasi (Sa, Ra, Ma)  and very bad/difficult relationship towards the mother. Ketu falls in the 10th bhava cusp/Libra rasi. She is also going through Ketu dasha.  I was going to recommend chanting the Ganesh mantra, since Ketu represents Ganesh, who removes obstacles, and also the mantra of the moon to improve karma of home life and relationship with mother. Does this sound sufficient? This is an older person so she does not live with the mother. Things probably won't be sorted out in this life between her and the mother so I was prescribing mainly to dissolve some of this karma in this life and make circumstances better for next life regarding these areas. Also what stone or gem is good for making conditions better in the home, getting along with roommates in the home, et cetera? I was going to recommend pearl because her moon is also in scorp. I thought it might help a bit. I haven't studied the gem course yet. I think mantras can be the most powerful. She is heavily in to yoga so she will do the mantras. Also, since you are supposed to go towards Rahu, any advice on how to handle moving towards such an afflicted Bhava? I am mainly a card-reader at the moment, mainly tarot, but always take a look at the chart. I am studying to become a professional astrologer. I have not taken the healing Rahu and Ketu course yet so just wanted to get some insight.



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Amit Bhat
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You have to counsel them on Saturn and mars shaming each other. Good thing is Mars is in Aries, so is better off, so Saturn needs greater healing but Mars also needs it nonetheless.

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@amit Thanks, Amit. I really appreciate your input.

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Amit--the ashamed avastha--does that happen in the 5th rasi? Do we go by rasis or bhavas? They have it in the 5th rasi and 4th bhava cusp. Are we talking about rasi when we first evaluate the avastha?

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Sorry to chime in, just wanted to share some thoughts.

The shamed avastha either happens in the 5th or when the planets are with Rahu/Ketu. So in this case it's going to be shamed regardless of what cusp or Rasi from the Lagna the planets are in. 

More things to consider are that Mars is a karaka for the mother and rules the 4th cusp. Perhaps the mother herself has been the victim of abuse? I've seen this in a few cases like these. 

Also, to judge Rahu and Ketu, you look at the avasthas Mars and Saturn are in. Mars partially shows how well Ketu does and Saturn how well Rahu does. With seriously difficult avasthas for Mars/Saturn as in conjunctions and if there's shame, it can make a person particularly stuck. It's like a key you need to unlock first to address the rest.

Also, consider how old this person is and what planet last matured for them. If it's Mars, look at significant events related to the avasthas Mars is in.

Like Amit said, working out the shamed avastha is going to be really important, because that's what might keep them from fully exploring how they feel (4th).

An exercise that I find helps with that is noting: a simple breathing exercise, relaxation, then observing the mind and just labeling things: this is a feeling, this is a thought, this is a sensation. It can be a non-threatening way to approach those really uncomfortable feelings at first without being completely overwhelmed for someone who is really cut off from their emotional side. People have their coping mechanisms because they helped them survive at an earlier stage. Learning to have compassion with oneself for the negative habits you've developed is one thing that I've found is really important for people with shamed avasthas.


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@francesca-2 Thanks for the input. I really appreciate it. This helps a lot!!
