I'm still trying to wrap my head around the tropical-sideral difference, and I'm confused as I'm sure you were when you first started. Because Mahakumbh, which is happening right now, is calculated from planetary positions. It's happening sidereally now, but tropically it happened last year in January. So does that mean Indians are celebrating their events at the wrong time, and it has no spiritual significance right now? Or are they created to celebrate events sidereally specifically for event purpose? Because it makes huge difference in a chart, and almost everyone's lagna gets shifted to the next sign. And also like people who are experiencing Sade Sati or Saturn in 4th and 8th from the moon, it falls into completely different sign when we calculate it tropically. I'm also trying to wrap my head around all of it. I've also seen your audio course of Ayanamsa and on Lachitari, where you explain the sign differences. But I'm still not buying one side. Both of them seem accurate. Tropically seems extremely accurate for psychology of a person, and sidereal seems more accurate than tropical for the karmic influences of a person's life, like having different yogas. And their chart, especially the core yogas that you mentioned. And I'm really confused, like the bad yogas or good yogas from one side don't apply to the other and all vargas also shift....
It takes time to get around it, play with a 1000 charts, compare them and you will get it. Otherwise trust your Guru.
Sri Yuktesvar complained that the religious events were not taking place at correct time due to their using sideral ingress instead of tropical ingress. However, what events this applied to, does it apply to kumbha mela, he did not say, but yes, in my opinion, as Kumbamela is meant to be done when Jupiter is in a particular rasi, its being celebrated in the wrong year. Many years ago I was asked to write an article about the correct dating of Kumbha Mela and sad to say, I am not finding that artical and I don't remember all the details of it.
I do think that at some point someone needs to analyze all the religious events and their dates and also question on an astrological level of symbols, why is this event pertain to this nakshatra, etc. This will lead to a huge calendar reform that well, won't be accepted by most people. But I think its important to understand on astro bio chemical level why are these dates significant.
I have not hashed tropical vs sidereal with people in a long time as I don't have time anymore, so I never looked to see if they were stuck in the parental mind, so thank you for telling us about that Loris, it makes sense of course.
When I first started to test tropical, I called a friend of mine up who is a very successful vedic astrologer who has built their practice around techniques that I taught them pre 2004. I asked them to write down to charts on a piece of paper and I said, this is a married couple, tell me about them? She started an interpretation, it was VERY good, after some time, she laughed and she said, "This is so funny, this sounds just like me and my husband!" And I said, "that's how it is!"
After this experience they never once thought about testing tropical. Planet mind Saturn is their worst planet and Mercury and Venus are both starved.
In 2005 two friends of mine who I talked to about astrology A LOT and who always asked me things when they had questions went to a convention in India. They met each other there and ended up sitting in the back of a cab together and the conversation turned to the subject of who was the most knowledgeable astrologer they knew? Not the best, but the one with more astro info in his or her head. They both immediately said, Ernst Wilhelm.
A few months later I told these people, as we talked about astrology, A LOT, that I was researching the possibility of tropical. Neither of these people ever talked about astrology with me again. One I maintained a very superficial contact with, the other I never heard from again, EVER. Before, I would have 6-hour conversation with this astrologer when I was driving across country.
One has Saturn shaming Mercury and Jupiter so the two shamed adults simply could not entertain a possibility and they needed to stay in the Certain mind instead of the adult mind which thrives and moves forward with the uncertain truth of life. The other had a Saturn Sun Mercury conjunction, so again, a bad mercury that is not interested in hearing any other options.
Another astrologer, a very famous one, emailed me when I was going to tropical and said. You have been doing very well with astrology, putting out a great new book out every year. And now you are risking loosing all of that, you will loose all the benefits of your hard work and people will forget about you if you do this and go to tropical. I simply said, it's not about that for me. I simply CANNOT look at sidereal anymore. Its either quite and sell things on ebay to feed my kids, or go tropical and if everyone does shun me, then I am quite happy resorting to ebay. This person has a shamed mercury and venus, again, Mercury is not interested in any other options.
When people with stuck parental planets judge us, we are probably doing something right, haha. But when people with great adult planets, ask us to question what we are doing, we should probably listen!
And then there was Ryan. He was studying with me at the time. He thought the tropical was bogus, but he has a FANTASTIC mercury. After a few years he decided to try it and upon trying it, he was sold. He then he promoted the Tropical Vedic Astrology idea more than I ever did. I never promoted it, I just said, this is what I am doing. but he really brought it to the public attention. Great Mercury's, just give them time and they learn and figure things out. HIs Jupiter is not as good as his mercury, had it been, maybe he would have taken my word as enough inventive to get his mercury going on it ASAP. haha. He's also got a more powerful 11th house than I do whereas I have an empty 11th so I hide in the 8th and he goes to the 11th and gets people involved.
So some fun storied related to this topic.