Hello Ernst and everyone,
I would like to ask what are the most important key indicators to look for in a chart, that show persons ability to overcome difficulties and to be able to successfully walk their path (if that's, of course, is given in the chart)? For example, I learned that 9th house from swamsa in Navamsa is one of the key factors. Ernst says that you can have a good looking Rasi Chart, however if the 9th house from swamsa in Navamsa is bad (aspected by malefics) then it becomes really hard for the person to walk their path. Is there any other important indicators in other vargas that could balance this out and help the person? (I am new to astrology) Thank you!
You want a good Saturn, good 6th House and it's lord and good d30 to be able to overcome the difficulties.
Apart from these, need to fix bad LA planets and embrace Rahu ketu learning lessons.