Eminent Member
Joined: Jan 12, 2024
Last seen: Jul 27, 2024
Topics: 4 / Replies: 21
RE: Curses

@suzanstars Thank you for your response and your compassion. It's nice to hear, that you overcame the difficulties and are helping others now, thats r...

2 days ago
RE: Curses

@mitryendra80 Thank you for response. Could you please explain more on ''more powerful upayas used as a blanket technique for the most diffcult curses...

2 days ago
RE: Curses

* warning, content about death, killings, etc * Hello guys, I was looking in the forum for information regarding curses, because it is something I'm...

2 days ago
RE: Overcoming a difficult chart

@staffan I haven't gone beyond that myself yet, so I can't confirm that, however, I believe that it is possible and there are people who have done tha...

2 weeks ago
RE: Overcoming a difficult chart

@staffan I think being aware of what's going on in your chart already helps a lot. Hang onto good things that your chart indicates : ) As Ernst says, ...

2 weeks ago
RE: +I am gaining weight studying PAC, are You?

@lorris I've been always interested in astrology, and my life has been chaotic, but last year was a turning point for me when everything fell apart.. ...

3 weeks ago
RE: +I am gaining weight studying PAC, are You?

@ernst When I opened medical astrology course, I started throwing up.. xD of course, not because of the course, your courses are brilliant.. It's been...

3 weeks ago
RE: Trouble loading videos

@ernst Thank you, will keep that in mind, I tried Chrome and it works well now! 🙂

2 months ago
RE: Trouble loading videos

@dolphin123 going to try that too, thank you!

2 months ago
Replies: 4
Views: 31
RE: The power of Jaimini - Bandana yoga

@amit Got it, thank you for the answer! : )

3 months ago
RE: The power of Jaimini - Bandana yoga

@amit Thank you for the answer. The only thing that I have is Rahu, Ketu in 2nd and 8th from Lagna lord in Capricorn counting backwards.. I got a bit ...

3 months ago
RE: Vedha dosha

@ernst Thank you for the answer. I know that I have not the easiest chart myself... However, I am working towards healing those parts in me.. I wanted...

3 months ago
RE: The power of Jaimini - Bandana yoga

@silvia Thank you, I forgot to mention, I also checked for Kemadruma, I don't seem to have it either.. I do have Rahu and Ketu in 2nd and 8th from Lag...

3 months ago
RE: The power of Jaimini - Bandana yoga

@scott-m-19 @ernst , hi guys, I wonder if there is other combinations showing that you might feel stuck or feel like in jail if you don't have bandana...

3 months ago
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