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Moon conjunct Saturn vs. Rahu Conjunct Saturn

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Hi Ernst, 

Just listening to the Saturn starving Moon video in the new course. You say this is the most painful conjunction there is especially in regards to early trauma. I remember you also say Rahu conjunct Saturn is really bad but it is more about fear and causing addictions.

Are there big differences between the two different conjunctions, or are they pretty similar? I grew up in a traumatic home with both an older and younger sister. They both have Saturn conjunct the Moon. I have Rahu conjunct Saturn. I am the only one who has healed my trauma. Just an interesting observation.  

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Saturn with rahu makes it very hard to deal wtih rahu fears, rahu is SO scary when with saturn. but thats not trauma. Saturn Moon, thats trauma. 

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For example, if Saturn is with Rahu in 9th, does it mean it is too scary to be counselled? or too scary to understand spiritual concepts or involve in dharma? Or does it have anything to do with parents/upbringing? or commitment to marriage, perhaps?  

What do we need to see in navamsha to understand Saturn/Rahu in 9th better and distinguish between above scenarios?

Could you please explain?



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I too wonder if the fears are specifically related to the house/cusp Rahu is in or closest to. 

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Hi Ernst,

Any comments?



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@ernst Thanks for clarifying! This gives me a much better understanding.

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@ernst What about Saturn aspecting the Moon let's say at 59 points. is that the same as Saturn Moon conjunction trauma or is conjunction stronger? Moon in Leo and Saturn in Acquarius for example...





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@tuyetv He says in the course that conjunction is always the strongest and takes the cake, but aspect is also important, just not as strong as conjunction.

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@rhiannon yes that is what i remembered too that ermst was saying a strong planetary aspect like 59 or 60 is just almost as bad as a conjunction. I don't have Saturn Moon conjunction but i have a strong planetary aspect Saturn Moon 59, and i can tell you i worry about everything and anything. However, as i get older with self confidence and just good old maturity, that has become a lot less. So a strong planetary aspect is definitely important....



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Also, if you are only talking about Lajjitaadi Avastha, then Saturn won't affect Moon by aspect since it's neutral towards Moon. 

The Moom through will starve Saturn through aspect creating emotional focus on the lacks of life. 

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@rajan  I am talking about planetary aspect.... Thx



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Ya, effects of planetary aspects are seen through Lajjitaadi Avastha system,which primarily depends on the natural relationships between planets.

Since Saturn is not inimical to Moon, it won't affect Moon through aspect. But Saturn starves any planet conjunct with it, irrespective of the relation.

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Saturn-Moon conjunction is more severe, as not only Moon starves Saturn, but Saturn also starves Moon. (As you know Saturn starves all 0lanets when he conjuncts it.) Moon has no enemies, so Moon cannot be starved by planetary aspect, "only" Saturn is starved by Moon.

Saturn-Moon conjuncion is trauma, mostly abuse.

Moon starving Saturn via planetery aspect means issues with connecting with people. Either by being too cold, so rejecting any kind of deeper connection, or being way too much lovesick, and getting involved in all kinds of affairs, just to soothe the constant need to be touched and loved (unconsciously).

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*Interesting and synchronistic*

As I read/write this there are 3 men playing music together in the house.

1) Virgo Lagna - Saturn/Moon conjunction in Scorpio. AK = Moon

2) Gemini Lagna - Rahu/Moon conjunct in Scorpio. AK = Venus

3) Gemini Lagna - Saturn in 1st with Moon in Virgo. AK = Mercury

(1) Saturn/Moon in Scorpio 3rd house is "thirsty", I asked him about depression and he states that he isn't. He has an EX Jupiter in Cancer 11th house joined Ketu that aspects both Moon/Saturn, I've wondered if it only being thirsty and Jupiter aspecting is helping? However, he mentioned that his father was a "very hard TOUGH man", so I can assume that might indicate some violent/harsh discipline. He is well beyond Rahu/Ketu maturation maybe has worked through most of it. 

(2) Rahu/Moon not mentioned but I know a few of these, and there is "something different" about them. And can sometimes be similar depending on other parts of the chart.

(3) Has a very tight degree aspect between Moon/Saturn shared Lord, Lagna Lord and AK all being Mercury.  I recall that Ernst mentioned in the cards course and or Lajjitadi course that sometimes the shared Lord can cause similar to conjunction. The Moon/Saturn starvation is "mild" at 16 pts.  In this situation I can say he is in emotional agony, has been severely depressed most of his life starting at around 12 years of age. No actual trauma that he recalls, and non-violent parents so it's hard to determine from the material events that occurred in his life. *There is a hard Starvation to Saturn from Mars 47 pts, that doesn't help the situation. 


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Hi guys, I was scrolling through forum and found this topic.. So I just wanted to share my personal experience.. I don't have this conjunction in my natal chart, however, I'm having Saturn transiting close to my moon at the moment. I have 12th lord moon in 21 degrees of Pisces in 8th house in my natal chart for Leo lagna, Saturn is now transiting at 18 degrees, true node at 27 of Pisces. What I can share, that recently, especially these days, I developed extreme fear of getting onto the plane and extreme fear of death.. One thing is to know these things in theory, and another is to experience it yourself.. I never imagined that I would be feeling so much fear and anxiety out of nowhere.. I have an opportunity to fly for a nice holiday that I've been longing for 2 years and I just can't step into the plane.. I can just imagine how tough this placement can be for people, who have this in their natal chart. I'm so grateful that I'm learning astrology, so that helps me to understand what's going on.. 

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@kannessa-chan hi, I'm also Leo lagna and you can perhaps see in my previous posts - I went through the same thing. Extreme phobia of accidents and such. I don't have Moon in Pisces, but I have Mercury and Rahu there in the 8th house. I think it makes sense that simply having Rahu and Saturn transiting through our 8th house will bring up fears and negative thinking, but perhaps I'm having a similar experience due to my Mercury being there 🤔 he is the child of the Moon after all...

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@nkan Hey, Nadia, yes I did.. I'm happy that we have this community, so we can share these kind of things with like-minded people. Yes, it makes sense, especially in 8th house that is tough, however, I'm sure it will be good and helpful experience for us : ) Funny thing is that with the moon here experiencing this transit, it almost seems like my intuition is obstructed.. I'm looking at my varshaphala, trying to decide whether I should travel or not and I feel like my fears are overriding my judgement, I'm about to ditch my date, who's waiting abroad lol... I hope you found the way how to deal with your anxieties.. I just received Rescue remedy, will try it out..

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@kannessa-chan yeah I was doing the same things, checking the solar return to see if there is a risk of death and these kinds of things... It's really no fun. I wish I could say I resolved it, but essentially I moved my travel plans to a different month, for now I feel calmer. But I don't know how I will feel once the journey approaches. Either way I will take that flight, I have to and I must - we can't live in fear right? Whatever is meant to be will be.

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@nkan No it's not.. And of course, we can't live in fear, what's meant is meant.. plus, even though this feels tough, what comforts me is understanding that this is a transit.. We are not used to this transit, as we don't have it in our natal charts, probably that's why it might feel even more scary.. If we had this in our natal charts, yes, it's tough, but I'm sure eventually this can be also healed and worked out, just might require some time, effort and support : )

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@kannessa-chan yeah that's one of the beauties of astrology, making sense of it all 🙂 and of course the spiritual aspect above all else. Trusting the universe. Trusting ourselves. 


Truth be told, it's not entirely unfamiliar for me, with Me and Rahu in the 8th, and Mars starving Saturn in the 6th in Capricorn. I'm profoundly aware of "how things can go bad". Really clashes with my overall fiery enthusiastic vibe of Moon and Lagna in Leo, Sun in Aries 😁

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@nkan I have Sasa yoga, Saturn in 7th house in Aquarius - fear based mentality, here we go xD (however, still not like what I'm experiencing through this transit) I've got active 6th house, combust planets there, strong 8th lord, I had lots of horrific experiences, accidents and deaths in my family (it didn't happened to me, but to my closest family members) that's probably why fears are getting triggered so badly.. I'm lucky and grateful that I have good Jupiter in 4th house, he helps me to have this positivity and happiness at least xD

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@kannessa-chan yeah, same here, the death of loved ones is something I'm still trying to make sense of, make peace with etc. Hopefully no more traumatic events for a while, eh? Wishing you luck and strength! It's a tough one.

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@nkan Thank you, Nadya, for you as well! 🌺

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I remember the transit of Rahu on my Moon. I had some weird desires of connection (falling in love with a drunk poet). But it somehow motivated me creatively, plenty of astonishing ideas coming, as I was participating in many art events with the hope to meet the poet. Although the times we met were really very ugly and frustrating I had really no clarity of mind at all and so I kept hanging on it. However Rahu transit on Moon made me extremely creative and my work got success and produced future enriching collaborations.
This non-sense falling in love was in fact a powerful fueling motivation which somehow gave good results.
When Rahu left the Moon. This longing for the poet completely vanished as nothing.

So, I think the energy of Rahu transit on Moon can be well managed with artistic activity.
Having Saturn there as well will make it harder to get motivated, but happily by the end of May, Saturn will enter in Aries.

My Sun is in Pisces 17º, the transit of Saturn is being tough. Not that kind of fears, rather low mood, low energy... The approaching and exact degree was relentlessly felt. Already now feels a bit better. 

The presence of Rahu I haven't felt yet. But Venus was recently in Pisces and it felt a bit nicer to me.
I just try to expect the least from life and take it easy. It's in my 12th. 8th is something else, I have no experiences. 

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@marianela Thank you for sharing your experience.. It makes sense, rahu makes moon more hungry.. 8th house, I don't know, it's definitely one of the toughest houses to have this transit I believe, as it is house of crisis.. I already started feeling fears when Saturn was here.. At the same time, when Saturn entered my 8th house, I discovered astrology and completely changed my career, I had no idea, that I would be learning and practising astrology before.. It's been the best thing that happened in my life at the same time, so I'm pretty sure, that these experiences can be transformed and used for something productive and beautiful 🙂

I also like arts and dance, I oftentimes dance by myself at home, or listen to music.. I would say, listening to Ernst's courses and music are two things that make me feel this deep warm divine love.
