Last seen: Oct 7, 2021
Why is.my proper comment not uploaded here...?!?! it have written my message to Mattias 3x, and all lost, getting error messages... 🙁 giving up for t...
Testing if my comment is saved and uploaded (my phone says this site is not safe, and it does not allow me to post anything...)
@meyes hi Mattias, I cannot really add a useful astrological comment on your question, I just would like to let you know that I am very sorry to hea...
@ernst many thanks for the explanation! 🙂
@meyes ok, I have found in the class handout of Ernst (Jaimini 3 course), that indeed, Ve and 9th house is needed for Tarot (Cards of Truth) etc readi...
@meyes hi Mattias, Wow,.that is really cool. ???? But why Venus for card reading? "Seeing meaning where there is none"? Playing cards for fun is...
@anand oh, I didnt get you also need interchange for dainya yoga, and that it can be with any planet, not just moon. This actually does not sound th...
@meyes hi Mattias, Yes, that sounds to be a great Venus. ???? Graha sutras course is a great, great treasure! ????????
@anand sorry for the off topic... What does dainya yoga signify? I am curious as my Moon is in 12th house, as so does may daughter. (I havent done t...
@meyes hi Mattias, As for physical performance, how is your Venus? Ernst keeps emphasising in graha sutras course, that athletes need more a good ...
@manisha hi Manisha, Thanks a lot for your comment, I think it is a great way to sugarcoat the issue by saying "insane focus on this or that area of...
Hi @radharamana I think Ernst made a mistake, as he is talking about rife machine under the quesion "Bandana Yoga" (prashna tab), the question was...
@mona haha, ok, that is.actually true to me, too, I also have Venus in Virgo rashi chart, and I am not that good at manual work. (Orginally, I would h...