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Passion - Venus as AK in Virgo

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Hello Ernst and All,

You said in the course that Virgo is the least passionate, least sexual sign among all signs, and when AK is there then person lives a very pure, virgin life sexually (only one or two sexual partner, and only in long term relationships).

But how to interpret when AK is Venus, that is debilitated in Virgo? Misunderstood sexaul inactvity? No sex but for weird reasons?

Many thanks, regards


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Ernst Wilhelm
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Venus in virgo inclines towards affairs, but that does not mean that its particularly sexual. Being ak, this will still be the case. 

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@ernst thank you, Ernst!

Is this matter covered in debilitation course?

(@Anonymous 21669)
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@agnesbarna I'm not sure if I have anything useful to add to this, but have a DB Venus in 3rd. My AK is Lord Mercury, which is in fairly good condition. When understanding DB especially Venus (& Mars since Lords are friendly), I believe Ernst puts a lot of emphasis on the overall condition of planet such as house, Shad bala, Dig bala, uccha etc. 

In my case Ve in Virgo and Rasi aspected by Ke/Sag, Sa/Pi, Ju/Ra/Ge. And shad bala is GOOD on Me,Ve, Ju and Sa.  How has this manifested for me in terms of sexuality? I have had 3 long term relationships, married 2X both of my marriages ended due to the *partner having affairs. I am definitely passionate and probably lean towards viewing sexuality as sacred and spiritual. Depending on the house and other aspects a person could be inclined towards tantra yoga, perhaps.  

As far as how it shows up in my daily life, I laughed a little @Mona my manual dexterity is not as "perfect" as I would like. But I also expect PERFECTION with everything I put my hands on, and when the discerning eyes see the reality, it gets frustrated! There are some great pluses to having Ve in Virgo, they appreciate beauty, and have wonderful skills at digging deep into subjects of interest (many rabbit holes). I cannot WASTE anything!!! It has to be repurposed or saved for just the right thing, so yes, there are things stored away that many would trash or recycle - But 95% of the time they are useful!LOL! I am not a "hoarder" but can see how that could happen, if Mercury was shamed in bad shape or either Me/Ve in a hidden or more difficult place. 

Hope this is helpful.


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@ltmoon Virgo’s my ascendant and my Moon’s in there so, even though I don’t have Venus there, I get the perfection component! I have a waning (almost new moon) so I find perfection is getting rid of stuff. My husband used to get excited about finding stuff on the side of the road from the neighborhood that could be useful. He had to lose this habit quickly with me! ???????????? But I see that indeed he can always find a use for everything, he can get creative when it comes to ideas around recycling/reusing:)

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there is a technique called Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) that is suppose to tone the muscle spindles (in the Muscle/lymph system this is the part ruled by Venus).  Could be interesting to experiment with this.

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My husband has Venus in Virgo (but it’s not his AK). What I’ve noticed the most is lack of manual dexterity. He can handle some big repairs (more or less) but the more minute, the worst it is. I used to be annoyed by it until I learned more about astrology ????. 
He is definitely a long-term relationship guy, not prone to affairs at all (but, when single, he never stayed alone for long) and “least sexual/passionate” doesn’t apply to him neither. I think that, when it comes to relationships, Venus in Virgo tends to be critical of their partners (because of Virgo’s perfectionist tendency). I’ve noticed that in my husband, it’s very subtle and quite unconscious.

Obviously, there’s more to a chart than just one planet in one sign so those things can be explained/mitigated by other factors. 

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@mona haha, ok, that is.actually true to me, too, I also have Venus in Virgo rashi chart, and I am not that good at manual work. (Orginally, I would have been left handed, but was reinforced to becone right handed - out of good intention, back then in the 80s doctors were convinced, this is the right way. So now I keep dropping things out of my hands, and I am a bit awkward sometimes, when I need to use my hands.)

Passion. My Venus is conjunct Mars, shares same lord with Rahu (Ra in Gemini, Ve and Ma in Virgo). So there is certainly lots of passion inside me, Lol. (Ve not AK, Sun is my AK.)

You are definitely right, we should not think of certain traits in the chart isolated, but find patterns holisticly.

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@mona This is very interesting to me. I wonder if that is how Ve in Me signs work. 

I have Ve in Ge, and Ve AK. I like neither small manual work nor heavy duty manual work. So, I don't pay much attention to them. Its just easier and faster for me to find someone else who does it better when it comes to manual work.

The difference maybe Ve in Virgo doesn't look at options to delegate if it doesnt like the work ? Does that resonate ?

If I have to get some manual work done, my first thoughts will always be will I enjoy this work ? If not, is there someone else who can do it, and can I afford it ? If yes, they get their employment, I get time to do stuff I enjoy. I guess thats Venus.

I have Ma in Cancer, so that may explain the reluctance a bit. But the strange thing is I like the training of martial arts. Like you said, looking the whole is better. 

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@scoobydoo My husband has Ketu in his Aries ascendant so he's your typical "I'm the master of my own destiny" and "personal development work doesn't apply to me, I did it once, it helped, all good now for the rest of my life" ????. Same when it comes to heavy duty work. He's having a thing these days about changing the toilets in our house. He did it successfully once but, for the next one, he ordered the wrong size, then he ordered twice the same toilet by mistake (of the right size at least), then he installed it and it leaked, he ended up asking a neighbor for help but still not good. So, he finally called a plumber to do the work! With my Venus in Libra, am always (strongly) suggesting we call someone especially when it gets too technical because I usually know this is what we'll end up doing anyways, so why waste so much time on it? (same as your approach it seems). So, yes, he doesn't necessarily like the  work but his first impulse is not to delegate. But I think Ketu in ascendant plays an important role here. He needs to feel independent and do stuff on his own. And he can be very stubborn too! 

Mars is my AK and I love logic, I also like anatomy, understanding how the body works and I wish I were a good martial artist too or a surgeon (next life maybe). I have Moon in Virgo ascendant so that explains a lot too. In Cancer, you may have a more gentle approach to "war" so am not surprised you're interested in martial arts or anything related to good (cancerian) defenses. And Gemini is a pretty social sign so I think it works well with Venus.

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@mona oh yes, Ke in 1st can do that totally

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My sister has Venus in Virgo, however it's not her AK. Her career is her life, but she's pretty much a recluse other than that. She has Moon and Ketu in her 7th house in Libra, so I think that's mainly what influences the reclusiveness. 

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I have Venus AK in Virgo as my Swamsa. It is also conjunct with Rahu and Mars. Strong sexual passion is very much present, but I struggle with finding the right partner who would support my higher purpose in life. I can see how this configuration could potentially lead to affairs, because when we are with a person who does not fully validate our path in life, we begin to think that maybe true fulfilment could be found outside the relationship. I may also add that in Rasi chart my Rahu is in Scorpio and I have always liked the idea of transmuting my desires into something productive and meaningful.

Mona, what you say is very interesting, because my manual dexterity is poor. I enjoy typical manual labour and tasks that require sheer strength of muscles (such as demolishing things, digging ditches, carrying heavy objects, chopping wood, etc.), but anytime I need to do something precise I'm like a helpless child. Is that also the case with your husband? Even though my Mars has 200% required Shadbala, it is also starved by Mercury, so sometimes I think too much about something instead of doing it.

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@gwindor yes, hubby likes some heavy duty yard work for example but, like you said, a hopeless child when it comes to precise work 🙂 He also has a good appetite for sex but nothing I would consider dysfunctional or problematic. And he’s not one to look for affairs (or he is excellent at hiding it LOL).

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