Last seen: Jul 16, 2024
@ernst If Venus is in Leo and conjunct with the Sun, do we count it only as agitation?
Rhett, I'm asking out of curiosity - is your Ketu in the third house/conjunct the third house cusp? I'd suggest just going with the flow, choosing the...
Just find the equivalent of a deity in European pre-Christian pantheons. Here are some examples: Mars - Mars, Ares, Belatucadros Venus - Venus, Ap...
Some of the most difficult people to work with are those with debilitated or weak Jupiter + Mercury conjunct Saturn (especially if it's also ashamed o...
It's sad, but most people get readings for the sake of sugar-coating and ego-pleasing, not for wanting to know how to change their lives positively. V...
Mobile devices are generally not the best medium of watching longer videos, especially serious or educational ones. Unless you are travelling a lot, I...
Rahu Moon conjunction in a woman's chart, in particular, is another tough combination. Rahu Venus could be indicative of sex addiction if there are ad...
Dear Ernst, is it possible to search for outer planets in Rasi chart? If not, do you plan to implement this function in future versions? I'm doing som...
I have Venus AK in Virgo as my Swamsa. It is also conjunct with Rahu and Mars. Strong sexual passion is very much present, but I struggle with finding...
Very interesting topic. I'm a published author and poet, I have also been interested in videography. Astrologically speaking, I'm a Capricorn lagna an...