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The art and the occult

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I’ve recently noticed that there is often a correlation between an interest in the occult and some artistic interest or ability. In my case, it’s very strong, even from a very young age. And I know some astrologers/card readers who are also artists or involved in the arts in one way or another. I wonder if you’ve noticed the same in you and/or others and if this has something to do with the 8th house. Bringing what is hidden to the surface in one way or another. And the 8th being the 5th from the 4th. Venus probably has something to do with this as well. 

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Musician here! Always been interested in the occult. 

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@codydeboer Sounds like you could form a band with some other astrologers ????

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@mona lol, I have a 5th house node, so apparently I am supposed to break free from the band and have the solo artist career ????

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@codydeboer Nice, like my kid 🙂

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I have no artistic abilities or talents but I've always loved the investigative aspect of the occult. Seeking answers and knowledge towards life's seemingly unanswerable questions is what drives me.

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@kam Like you i have little artistic abilities or talents although i love art and music. I have always been interested in astrology since my early 20s and that is quite some time ago. I remember taking a mythology class in high school. We studied Greek and Roman mythology,  and I just loved that class. Then i took astronomy in college and really enjoyed that class too. i started studying astrology about 3 years ago and realized that astrology is both a science/math and an art. The interpretation aspect of astrology is an art but there is a lot of mathematical calculations as well. 

I am a number person as indicated by my birth chart with the ascendant lord Moon in the 2nd house which is the house of resources and resourcefulness. My 8th house is Acquarius with its lord Saturn in its own house. 8th house is the house of other people resources, occult and so on. I am an accountant, and i have always managed other people as well as my own resources for as far as i can remember. But i really enjoy learning, investigating, seeking answers for the unknown, the mystery of life. It is no surprise that Jupiter is my best planet in Shad Bala follow by Moon then Mercury....



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Hello there, Mona. I am a poet, a rapper and a singer. Now I mainly do readings, although I still pursue the aforementioned activities. I have strong Venus and Mars placements. When one is creative in the arts, one is more naturally inclined to the other worldly as this kind of energy sparks the intuition and the imagination, which are closely related.


Intuition, psychic experience and imagination are usually associated quite strongly with water signs, the 8th house being the natural place associated with the sign Scorpio, a water sign, and ruled by Mars. The home, the 4th house, that has to do with real estate usually in this world in one way or another, and Mars is also associated with real estate. Mars also has to do with Aries, the Spring, where everything blooms and is very beautiful and inspiring in the most obvious way.


Many pefromers or artists are very flashy and many have big egos as the spotlight is on them and they attract crowds. The 5th house is the original house of Leo the Sun, which can stand for such things. And also having a strong or good Venus, one will automatically be attracted to beauty and great art or have interest in such things. Many artists have a muse, and you could connect the 8th/scorpio with sexuality as well as Venus with the muse I would imagine. Also many of the great artists such as Jimi Hendrix get involved with certain substances in order to feel inspiration and broaden the imagination and have psychic experience as they feel it enhances their artistic endeavors and this could be associated with Scorpio/the eight house. Venus is also a guru planet and Gurus are enlightened, which means they realize those things which are hidden and not apparent or obvious to the masses and the outside world, which is what occult means--hidden knowledge. 


Also when one creates art, one is likley to have a high degree of concentration in order to focus intuition and imagination, which leads one to meditation. In order to realize what is hidden, the 8th house, one needs to develop some degree of concentration and meditation, which ultimately leads to Pisces another water sign, and I think these states come more naturally and are more normally accepted to one that is focused on the arts and creating art, that is psychic phenomena is more readily accepted. So in general I think it is easier for artists to accept that there is a lot more to this life than what is seen on the surface. I could say more, but I think this is good for now. These are just my first thoughts and how it appears in my mind at this moment. I hope this provides you with some insight.



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@goldensky great insights thank you! And like the non-duality teacher Rupert Spira puts it, art allows a collapse of the senses back to its source and thoughts are suspended for a moment (he says it much better than this though:). So in a way art is a search for truth just like when we engage in studying/understanding the occult. 

I have Rahu and Neptune in my 4th (real estate) and I can totally be enraptured by beautiful properties. I’ve actually worked in real estate and, generally speaking, this is where most of my income comes from. Also, Jupiter in Pisces and Sun ruling my 12th house in my 2nd in Libra with Mars AK and Venus. Both combust so it’s interesting what you say about Leo and the flashy. I totally agree and I find that since Leo is my 12th house, flashy is hidden in a way. And probably why I always thought I could never do art and be “exposed” because of some pre-conceived (limited) ideas of what being an artist is. 

Pisces is definitely involved too. A friend of mine has Ketu/Moon there and she’s always been involved in the arts, museums, local galleries, she paints as well (other factors as well).

Thanks again and I love that you’re a poet, rapper and singer:)

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@mona I am glad I could share some insight with you, Mona. I always appreciate your insights as well.

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Very interesting topic. I'm a published author and poet, I have also been interested in videography. Astrologically speaking, I'm a Capricorn lagna and Venus, which is my Atmakaraka, is also in my first house. I write haiku poetry, which is a direct and short poetic form devoid of metaphors and such. It perfectly illustrates my down-to-earth, Capricornian nature. Since Rahu is located in my eleventh house, I have always felt dissatisfied with creating only for myself. My work needs to have a practical purpose and meaningful impact on people. This is why my poetry is inspired by ancient religious and philosophical traditions, I also include commentaries which aim to explain these historical customs.

I consider my interest in astrology and occult studies another form of my creative self-expression. My eleventh lord Mars located in the eighth house additionally energises this area of my life (financially speaking too) and gives me concentration and idealistic zeal required for studying and research. I have five planets in Sattvic signs, which explains my strong desire to bring something positive and good to the world. Whether I write poetry or do astrological readings, I am always inspired by something higher and idealistic.

Also, I have Uranus and Neptune on my lagna! I'm generally very hard to define or pin down. I hope everyone will find this information useful in relation to the connection between the art and the occult.

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@gwindor I discovered Haiku last month: this was an assignment from science class for my 11-yr old son. He’s very straight to the point so he did something very straight to the point LOL. 

I like how you talk about the 11th house.  I have Saturn there in Cancer and the meaningful and impact aspect has always been important for me as well but it is something that I only start to be comfortable doing, Saturn being a delaying factor (ruling my 5th and 6th). That is also why I think art starts to become more and more important in my life (and not something I reject as superficial anymore). 
Thanks for sharing, very interesting!

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