Last seen: Feb 12, 2025
@jesuschrist from my notes about Marilyn Monroe: "She has 6 Akriti Yogas and they are: Vapi (very good), Shakti good or bad depending on the ending ...
@stellaris Hi Regina, what is your email? I will be traveling for work in the next few weeks but will get back... tuyet
@qwertym2 I ran mine and all planets are exactly the same on both. Rahu Ketu off by 1 minute... tuyet
what is VOTH chart? tuyet
@stellaris Hi Regina, What is your email if I may ask? tuyet
@scott-m-19 Hi Scott, i am sure everyone Mars Mercury conjunction will be different than mine depending on the House they are in, and other factors. M...
@carolinedepuydt - I love Kala. Could not analyze charts without Kala... tuyet
@suzanstars I laugh when you said Manifestors don't like being told but informing is ok. Very true. I have been very lucky with my career in having go...
i remembered from Ernst said something like Cancer is like a creek, Scorpio is like a lake and Pisces is like the ocean.... (the deepness of it all) ...
@suzanstars Agree. The Avasthas very important in the Rasi. Venus is important too because it represents "relationship". Mine is starved by Saturn but...
@suzanstars Yes, Mercury generally is not strong in the 7th House. My Mercury is retrograde. But I have always felt i have a decent Mercury as i used ...
thank you Ernst. I have this situation so i guess my upcoming Jupiter Dasa will be just average....Good to know! tuyet
Suzan and Dr. Rajan - Thank you both! tuyet