How much do You use the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto?
The classical approach does not include them, although even some known classics astrologers has said in some books that studied about it and their effects can be noticed, especially when it comes to a very prominent transit or position.
I have experience of how the involvement of these three planets has provided effective information. In most cases, with very strong aspect or notable position.
What do you think it would in general mean and expressions if the planet Pluto is on the natal chart exactly in the Midheaven if it becomes to natal chart?
Thank You for any kind of opinions!
I started using them with Rahu/Ketu. I find they add a lot of depth of analysis to the axis, acting as forces that "push" someone deal with Rahu/Ketu. Pluto being where our deepest security needs are, with the 10th cusp, it can show a need to let go of an ego identification with career, status, work.
I will go a little bit off-topic but better than do a new topic i think since there is a correlation.
I was wondering if a well placed Pluto in Scorpio is strengthening Mars?