Saturn, Uranus and ...
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Saturn, Uranus and Identity

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Ernst mentioned that Saturn is a planet represents the part of ourselves that is no longer "us"; a part of us that is weak and ending. Where we should embrace our Sun and Jupiter more in terms of discovering one's  true being. My question is this: The year 1989 birth an entire population of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune conjunct individuals. Uranus represents "an extension of the Sun" and our identity.

So when it comes to embracing one's identity, how do we reconcile the Saturn - Uranus conjunction? How can one look at Uranus as the final identity, embrace that identity, while also taking into consideration that that same area of life should be "let go of" due to Saturn's presence? 


Any help would be much appreciated

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Hey I am a 1986, and have both Saturn and Uranus in the 1st. My interpretation is that I'm not sure any area of life "should be let go of" just because Saturn is there, but maybe Saturn helps letting go of all the things that are not truly it, but it also could take a while. Also would love to know more about this. 
