Saturn, Uranus and ...
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Saturn, Uranus and Identity

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Ernst mentioned that Saturn is a planet represents the part of ourselves that is no longer "us"; a part of us that is weak and ending. Where we should embrace our Sun and Jupiter more in terms of discovering one's  true being. My question is this: The year 1989 birth an entire population of Uranus, Saturn and Neptune conjunct individuals. Uranus represents "an extension of the Sun" and our identity.

So when it comes to embracing one's identity, how do we reconcile the Saturn - Uranus conjunction? How can one look at Uranus as the final identity, embrace that identity, while also taking into consideration that that same area of life should be "let go of" due to Saturn's presence? 


Any help would be much appreciated

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Hey I am a 1986, and have both Saturn and Uranus in the 1st. My interpretation is that I'm not sure any area of life "should be let go of" just because Saturn is there, but maybe Saturn helps letting go of all the things that are not truly it, but it also could take a while. Also would love to know more about this. 

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@codydeboer Curious, any tips to handle Saturn maturation? How did it go for you?

I am one of the population mentioned in the question, and also with Saturn, Uranus in the first, and it's quite confusing to find the right path forward!

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@jam1 It was right at 36 and right after the very beginning of Saturn Mahadasha that I made a huge change and faced some fear. Facing that fear allowed me to completely let go of garbage I had been holding on to for such a long time which had been a total burden and heavy weight on my life and my actions for such a long time. It helped rewire the circuitry. The spell was broken. The circumstances and events at the time all kind of lined up for it all to take place, which did involve selling all of my stuff and moving to another part of the world. It was a complete and radical shift. Let me tell you though, it was terrifying but incredibly freeing. 

I actually ended up taking both testosterone and an ssri at the time. It helped tremendously with taking some of that edge off the fear without numbing me to it. I no longer take either (for about a year now). SSRI is a total bitch to come off of, and I kinda miss the testosterone. 


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@codydeboer oh wow!, I am 2-3 years away from Sa Mahadasha  but I am already having very similar experiences (likely its the maturation). Facing fear and letting go... I had very similar circumstances too, sell all my stuff, and move to different country (move back in my case), and god knows if moves are due a couple more times~ 

Good to know, coming out of the other end once through it is having positive outcomes. 

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I am born in 1989, with that combination in the 1st lol

I don't think so too that 1st can be let go of anyway! I haven't personally faced problems with identity as such, but I wondered when I was a kid - why everyone is the way they are, and why their bodies are the way they are, and what am I doing here as a kid born on earth 🙂

I am curious as well about Sa, Ur, Ne conjunction, will wait for more experienced members for their response. 


Ernst Wilhelm
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Uranus influencing Saturn is all about the self breaking past all the not stuff of saturn, its the most psychologically liberating influence. 

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@ernst Thank you! I just checked where Rahu was stationed during 1989, and half the year was in Pisces and the other half was in Aquarius.

The "most psychologically liberating influence" aligns with what you said in another thread about Aquarius being tied to developing a psychological mindset where one becomes emotionally self-sufficient (regardless of outside validation/comfort). And of course Pisces representing liberation.

So I guess this is a core theme for the 1989 population.

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@geminid1st just fyi the conjunction of Saturn and Uranus was taking place throughout 1988 as well. 
I was born in March 1988 and also have this conjunction: Uranus 1 degree, Saturn 2 degrees, Neptune 10 degrees in Capricorn (with my AK in the same sign) 🙂

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@geminid1st to add to @nkan point, Saturn-Uranus conjunction occurred in the sign of Sagittarius from Dec 1985- Feb 1988 before both planets moved in to the sign of Capricorn in March 1988. 
