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Is there an ideal order for taking the courses?

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Cheers, Tuyet.

  • So, when it comes to "Career, Health, Relationship and Money" would you say "Jaimini, Varshaphala, Astakavarga and Yogas" are the more practical and concretely satisfying set of tools?
  • Would you say you found Prasna, Avasthas, and the Rahu/Ketu courses less concrete? 
  • Also, given the 4 years you have invested, would you say you feel confident and qualified to do readings?
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Jaimini touches many topics but it is is especially good for careers and level of success/money. Varshaphala is good for annual returns (if you want to know what is going on that year). Astakavaraga is sort of like Prasna but Prasna is a better technique in my opinion. If someone asks you a simple question and you can give them a quick answer without spending a lot of time Ashtakarvaga is good for that. Yogas is just good for overall as they touch on many topics. We have wealth yogas, longevity yogas, yogas of character, marriage yogas etc... You can do a reading based on yogas with no problem

Rahu/Ketu and LA (Parashara) is more psychological and less concrete like Jaimini for sure. It gets more into feelings and behaviors. Great courses as i have learned more about myself after i finished the LA Heart of Parashara course, my strengths, my weaknesses and where i want to improve. Excellent for counseling

To do reading professionally i would need to devote more time to practice. I study astrology very part-time and as a hobby so yes i could do some readings for family for free. Just like any profession, to be good you have to devote time. I have a good foundation, but would i charge people for reading now? NO! I found out in Jaimini that i have the planets and the houses connected to astrology which explains why i am so drawn to it. Maybe in a few years after i retire, i might think about it.... The main thing is to choose a few techniques and really know them well. As a hobby i want to learn many techniques for knowledge, but i am not particularly great at one. Just like a doctor, you can be a general practitioner or you can specialize in a certain medical area. Those specialists they only know one thing but they are excellent at it, narrow and deep. I would want to be narrow and deep should i want to practice astrology. Financially, i also believe you make money when you specialize in a certain area. You know the saying Jack of all trades, master of none. I would want to be a master of one or two techniques....




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Cheers, Tuyetv. Appreciate your feedback!

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Rhett, I'm asking out of curiosity - is your Ketu in the third house/conjunct the third house cusp? I'd suggest just going with the flow, choosing the first course that's on your mind and then seeing where it leads you. This is how I've been doing it.

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You sound like me when I started with occult sciences, and I can understand and relate to your hunger and logical approach.

It is good to see you trying to have something fixed to follow, while allowing some flexibility in it. Ernst mentioned that it is a living science. From my interaction with astrology and the occult, I would take it further and say that once taken beyond the surface level, they are living breathing energies capable of changing everything within us if we allow them to.

Posted by: @fviirviii

I understand that apart from the basic courses, one may skip around. However, if there is anything particularly odd, delayed, not recommended, or poorly grouped I would appreciate that feedback.

The question really would be the reason why you are learning astrology. Is it to make money, or is it to help people, or both? Is it something specific like medical astrology? Or more psychologically based? If you have a particular intention, only than can something become more or less poorly grouped, or delayed, or not recommended, or odd.

When I got into it, I was drawn to it by someone’s enthusiasm for it. After that, I found that it was a quagmire and the more I tried to get out of it, the more it pulled me in. I didn’t want to do any readings, so what was I going to do with astrology? There had to be a use to it which at that time I could not see. Now, I use it to better myself, and I find that by bettering myself I am able to just be, which helps other people and being with other people. I don’t have to say anything or do anything. It just happens. The more I see it, the more I want to immerse myself in this weird phenomena and the more I want to invite this occult knowledge into my life.

I still have my lists of courses to take and my books to read, but I find that the more flexible I am, the more knowledge I gather and the better my understanding becomes. I might start a course and leave it midway to follow something completely unrelated or in a different stream and not finish it, or come back to it much later with a better understanding. In a way it is frustrating, in another it is liberating.

But there is a purpose behind it. If you find your purpose, you will know which courses to group together naturally. If you haven’t figured it out yet, let it take a life of its own and see where it takes you. You might end up being surprised.

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Thank you, Manisha. 

My intention is both to help people and build a career. However, the order of my list is center-focused on the pedagogical-logical order of the material (although, I left the question open for all types of perspectives as a broader discussion may serve other beginning students). SO, for example, arithmetic comes before algebra, etc., is what I am really getting at. Also, for example, would someone recommend Shad Bala before Yogas? If so, why? If not, why? I am not saying there is a right answer, but all feedback can help inform a better decision.

I certainly skip around, as I find I have no choice most of the time since I am unable to move on with a course due to feeling lost or that I am missing something important. In a way, I look at it like this: all the courses are a single course, and I am free to pull from any at anytime. Such a process and method becomes easier when you have a better feel overall lay of the land. Yet this is precisely what is really only possible by hindsight. Thus, the purpose of my question is to save beginners (me) time in adjusting and possibly dropping out due to feeling lost or overwhelmed (also me two years ago).  

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Your question is just as simple as it is complex. 

The same courses come alive in different ways in different people at different times. With such an unpredictive outcome, where the unpredictiveness comes from within the individual, even with a detailed list like yours it is hard to give a structured order of courses to take. 

I think the feeling of being overwhelmed (I have been there myself) comes because we are trying to fit something new into what we already know. The old thought pattern of a student needs to be broken down for the right logic to enter. Until then, we will experience the feeling of being overwhelmed. This is only for those who feel overwhelmed. Not everyone does.

With your analogy of arithmetic versus algebra, some people will be happy with simple single digit operations, while others would want to learn more about complex numbers. Also, the thinking process required for both would be different and not possible for everyone.

Similarly with astrology, after the basics, it falls upon the individual to follow upon what calls to him or her. Some would be happy taking a few shorter courses, practice with them and build up a career. Others would follow the course curriculum by rote, learn astrology in 3 years and be happy with it. Then there are others who spend their lifetime going down different rabbit holes.

There is no one size fits all in astrology, or anything for that matter.

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I appreciate your perspective. Cheers!

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