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The environment indicated by the Rasis

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Below I list the environment indicated by each Rasi due to BPHS.

Do we have any more information?

Jaimini adds some information, like "foreign land" for Cancer and "things related to shores" for Aquarius, "Wild beasts of prey, one´s own house remains" for Leo, hinting about the jungle perhaps. But except for that?

For example, for Pisces it says "in water", but we tend to interpret is as "in the ocean". Aquarius is "standing in the middle of water" and Ernst relates it to shores and beaches. Cancer is "moving in water", while Ernst speaks about the crablife close to the shore; an amphibius life style.



Aries - moving in rocky places

Taurus - village living

Gemini - village roaming

Cancer - moving in water

Leo - living in woods

Virgo - living in the mountains and moving in the south with grain and fire

Libra - moving on land

Scorpio - exposed to water and land

Sagittarius - moving on the ground 

Capricorn - moving in watery ground

Aquarius - standing in the middle of water

Pisces - moving in water
