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5 of Diamond - the Little Prince syndrom?

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Hi there, I´m pondering upon the 5 of Diamond´s birth spread, wondering whether anyone has any thoughts about it or experience to share.

I have a 5 of Diamonds son and it´s one of the energy I run into most frequently.

Last time I was doing a reading for a 5 of Diamond the image of the Little Prince, Saint-Exupery´s famous character, showed up in my mind.

The Little Prince came down to Earth with a strong memory of his original planet. He asks for very concrete answers about life on Earth and is not easily pleased with what this reality has to offer.

Similarily the 5 of Diamonds is a born with the notion of a higher frequency, a better reality, as showed by it´s underlying 9 of Diamond. For that reason it´s not easily pleased with anything on Earth - hence the 5, that is always asking for something better. A very craving card.

In their Mars card we find 9 of Diamonds again, all the time reminding 5 of Diamond of that higher frequency, how much better life could be, and how much better it probably used to be on the astroplane. But life does not permit 5 of Diamonds to just sit there dreaming or licking it´s wound; the Mercury card is the very tough 7 of Spades, forcing it to deal with earthly matters. They have been beamed down to this reality and now they have to deal with it.

The Saturn card, J of Diamonds: This is no time to play around; get down to Earth, work steadily through it, being Ms or Mr Charming is not going to do it for you. "I´m sorry little Prince, you are on Earth now..."

Rahu card, 4 of Hearts: "Love what is". Accept the conditions, be stable emotionally with what you have.

Ketu card: 4 of Diamonds: "Although this is Earth and you long for 9 of Diamonds, there is value here. Congratulations, you´ve adapted to the limited conditions of Earth."

So: A person with a strong notion of an ideal world, or of God, that unwillingly adapts to what Earth may offer.

All depending on the planets´placements of course. As shown by the example of JP Morgan that Ernst gives us in video 47. A very wealthy person; whether he was longing for a small distant planet with a rose to take care of we don´t know...

The Little Prince couldn´t take it and let the snake bite him so that he would get back home to his planet; hopefully 5 of Diamonds don´t try that "solution"; after all the Little Prince wasn´t born on Earth it seems and maybe didn´t have to stay here to have the experience...


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I´ve also find that 5 of Diamond are drawn to physical challenges. Has to do with their 7 of Spades Mercury card of course. Running long distances or visiting the gym or the dojo may save them from unhealthy addictions, I guess.


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So there is actually advice or guidance in the cards of truth system?

Trying to decide whether to tackle it, either later or never.

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@mitryendra80 Oh yes, it brings a complete other dimension into astrology, or how should I put it... First: it takes a lot more to get to a really high level in regular astrology. With the cards you can get quite skilled in a couple of years. And then... Imagine not knowing about the Lajjitaadi avasthas, and then you discover them. Why, a new room for interpretations opens up in you astrology.

Now: it´s still cards, and the Karaka for card reading is Venus, so if you don´t combine a good Jupiter with a good Venus it´s probably not for you. If you on the other hand has a healthy Venus my guess is that you are going to be drawn into it quite magnetically.


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@meyes Interesting point about Ju-Ve. I don't seem to have a varga where both of them are healthy and happy to work together in one specific domain. At least not by default anyway. 

I am currently trying to train them to work together on one area though. 

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@mitryendra80 Well, I recommened you to try the cards before making up your mind, of course. First you could ask for a reading. There are many good CoT readers out there, like Laura Barat and Carmina Amza. I don´t have their experience and skills but can still offer a decent reading, if you want to. Free of charge.



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@meyes Thanks. Maybe later.
