10 of Hearts - Incr...
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10 of Hearts - Incredible synchronicity

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I just wanted to share the most amazing synchronicity I experienced today. I only came across Cards of Truth on Saturday and dove straight into the videos.

Yesterday I worked out that my birth card was the 10 of hearts, which made a lot of sense to me.

Today I saw an Osteopath for the first time after dealing with chronic illness since late August. After examining my posture & structural alignment, she said "it is quite remarkable, your body has been collapsing in on itself from your wounding (emotional), but your heart area is completely open".

I couldn't believe the synchronicity/timing! I found out about the 10 of hearts less than 24 hours ago. 

I am very grateful for these teachings Ernst, I can feel the truth, thank you!!


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Ernst Wilhelm
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THats awesome, way to keep your heart open. 

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This is so interesting. I also have a 10 of Hearts in my spread in the Jupiter card. I had a somewhat similar experience last August when I visited a chiropractor for the first time after being chronically ill for 8 months prior to that. Thank you for sharing 🙂

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@kam Thank you for sharing too! Amazing you had a similar experience. It really opened my eyes up to a bigger picture of how these energies effect us mentally & emotionally and how that ends up manifesting in the physical realm.

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@phbwlsn That's amazing! When I saw my x-rays, it was quite jarring at first. But then, to think about how well my body was physically able to compensate for everything it had been invisibly dealing with for all these years was kinda incredible.

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Get used to it! It´s an amazing system. ???? 

A while ago I was sitting in a cab. I spoke with the driver about card reading - he was also into tarot - and about our daughters. He had been seperated from his, and my story is sadly the same. In the middle of the conversation a car drove up in front of us. On the gas lid a decal: 5 of Hearts. Concrete meaning, well, one of them: Daughter.

OK, that was more an omen, but really, the Cards of Truth is a fantastic system, full of synchronicity and deep meaning, welcome aboard!

And good luck with your baaackkk.... uffff... Hope you work it out soon!

Congratulations for an open heart! Reminds me about a healing song in Spanish (originally guaraní)... "El amor abre el corazón.... El dolor abre el corazón." In English: "Love opens up the heart.... Pain opens up the heart...."

