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Yoga Karakas - Chapter 36

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BPHS's chapter on Yoga Karakas (36 for G. Sharma; 34 for R. Santhanam), sloka 7:

  • "Here the 8th Lordship of the Sun and the Moon is not evil." - Sharma
  • "8ths lordship of Sun and Moon is not evil." - Santhanam

What does this mean? I have taken it to meaning the following:

  • When the Sun or Moon is the lord of the 8th shtana, then the Sun and Moon do not give inauspicious effects.

Here is the full context from Sharma:

"The Lords of the 12th, the 2nd and the 8th House give effects according to their association (with a benefic or a malefic) and give effects according to their second House (the House in which they have their 2nd sign) and they are stronger in their qualities in the ascending order. Among these the 8th Lord when he owns the 12th House from the 9th House is not auspicious and if he (the 8th Lord) is the lord of the 3rd, 6th and 11th House also simultaneously he becomes still more inauspicious, but if he is the Lord of the trine (1st, 5th or 9th Lord) he becomes even more auspicious in giving effects. The stronger among the above mentioned combinations becomes the obstructor of the weaker one and gives his own effects. Here the 8th Lordship of the Sun and the Moon is not evil."

and from Santhanam:

"The effects, due to the Lords of 12th and 8th House, will depend on their association. In each group the significance will be in the ascending order. 8ths Lord is not auspicious, as he owns the 12th from 9th House. If the Lord of 8th House simultaneously owns 3rd, 7th, or 11th House, he will prove specifically harmful, while his simultaneous ownership of a Kona will bestow auspicious effects. The Planet, owning a predominant House, will stall the effects, due to another, owning a less significant House and will give his own results. 8ths lordship of Sun and Moon is not evil."


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What does this mean? I have taken it to meaning the following:

  • When the Sun or Moon is the lord of the 8th shtana, then the Sun and Moon do not give inauspicious effects.

You're right, that is what it means. They don't hinder kendra kona rag yogas that other planets may be forming, but will help those planets if they are conjunct them.

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Hey Rhett!


My take on this excerpt (as someone who is still a relative novice in my study of Parasara and Jaimani... is this appears to be a mistranslation of Jaimini Sutras... as Ernst has stated his opinion that the sections in BPHS that are in reference to JS are watered down and full of incorrect interpretations (of the coded text of JS which Ernst believes predates BPHS by CENTURIES!).


Although, I haven't encountered a part of JS which covers this topic (yet... I think?), this chapter you quote begins with a shloka which refers to the previous chapter on Karakamsha, a distinctly Jaimini method. 

Also, this Chapter says things I've never heard elsewhere, like 3,6 & 11 houses are "bad" and out of those 3 "bad houses" 11th is the worst! (as they are worse in "ascending order").

3, 6, 9 & 12 are all cadent, "falling" houses, 6, 8 & 12 are duthsthana ("bad houses"), but 11 is bad?!?

And Lords of Kendra/Angle houses (other than 1) are inauspicious????

This is all VERY CONTRADICTORY to everything I've thus far learned... This chapter says 10th House is the least auspicious out of 1, 4, 7 & 10, and that 4 & 7 are bad AND 1 is only good because it is Kona (1, 5 & 9)!?!?


This is the total opposite interpretation of most of these houses as I've learned from dozens of other sources til now....



However... to answer your question... it's quite simple...  he says lord of 8th is always auspicious because it's also the 12th from the 9th!?!? (why does that make sense?????  I don't think it does....).  Since Sun & Moon have no 2nd sign they rule, they're good... all other planets you have to weigh the house of the 2nd sign they rule... 






by these "rules" which appear to be mistranslated parts of Jaimini Sutras....


If Ernst or anyone disagrees, please correct me!


I've never heard anyone say "8th house is great bc it's the 12th from the 9th", or that 10th house is highly inauspicious for a graha to be lord of, or that the 11th house is the least auspicious out of 3, 6 & 11!



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11th house lord is bad in terms of a person following his own inspiration shown by the trine lords. The 11th makes a person want accolades and social acceptance instead. Listen to Ernst's course "Yoga Karakas & Nature of House Lords".

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That makes sense & thank you for the tip!  

Yoga Judgement is next up on my studies perhaps ????

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However, are you saying this section of BPHS may be specifically aimed at Yoga Judging?  And a connection to the Yogas involving AK?

Any idea why 8th is considered auspicious in this chapter?




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I found the video in the Yoga Judgement series where Ernst explains this chapter!  

It so incredible!  Thank you for directing me to it ????????
