Hello All
Ernst makes the comments that zodiacs or rashis have their rulership over various aspects of the world, for instance, aquarious rules true value of wealth and islands, while gemini is effectively the city, or jungles. Sagittarius is the warrior and rules the divine struggle, pisces is the ocean where all is cleaned as it is where all the waist flows towards, etc.
Since I cannot find much information on all of this, and its not in the manuals, can anyone direct me to anything that goes into more depth into all of this? I find it interesting that the direction ones goes in life starts where the ketu is at, and sort of ends where the rahu is at.
Ernst doesnt seem to really go as to what capricorn specifically rules, but given what I know about it, it would I imagine rule places of the highest stability, and that being my 3rd house, essentially the end of the dreams, learning, aspirations, etc, I have going for myself. Is this correct? Or what is capricorn to this end? I am asking ths since capricorn in the 3rd is where my rahu is at.
As for what the Rasis rule, there are snippets here and there for courses. But you'll find a lot of info on it in the "Rasi Sutras" and "New Rasi Sutras" as well as the Jaimini audio course.
All these things I say about the rasis are based on contemplating the symbols of the rasis as given in BPHS. Symbols are always given as very concrete earthly things, and its for us to take the meanings of these symbols into different realms of ourself. Every concrete thing in our life is a symbol of our inner lives.