8 of Diamonds Birth...
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8 of Diamonds Birth Spread

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I just did a reading for an 8 of Diamonds and I am trying to understand this birth spread on a deeper level!

Anyone here an 8 of Diamonds or have studied this spread?


Some things that are interesting:

Moon Card: 3 of hearts

Venus Card: 5 of Clubs

Saturn Card: 3 of Diamonds

Ecliptic Card: 7 of Diamonds

Ketu Card: 7 of Hearts

Jack Card: 5 of Spades


They have two 5s, Two 3s, two 7s and two Aces!


So this looks like an intense life with a lot of intense change and growth (fives and threes) and a lot of endings and new energy always coming in. (Sevens and Aces).

Of course my client wanted to talk about relationships and whether or not she should end the one she was in. It felt like there was a cycle going on with this spread. The 3 of hearts bringing in a lot of new relationships and the ability to fly easily from one to the next.

The 5 of Clubs on Venus bringing in a lot of change in relationships.

The ecliptic and Ketu card bringing an end to many things throughout life, including relationships.

BUT… here is the confusing thing. The Saturn card is the 3 of Diamonds... so Saturn is “putting an end to leaving things!”

Feels like this spread is being pulled in two different directions? Should they fly away from things as it is their nature with the 3 of Hearts on Moon? Or should they try to put an end to leaving things as per the 3 of Diamonds on Saturn?

My feeling by the end of the reading was that they need to learn the right TIME to leave things. Or at least this particular person did. She had an issue with staying in some particularly toxic relationships too long. Saturn seemed to be teaching her a lesson on when to stop flying away and when to fly away.

There is not much support in this spread for long term relationships. The Jack of Hearts is the third heart card in the spread besides the 3 and the 7 but the Jack of Hearts isn’t exactly the committed long term partnership type 🙂

I look forward to meeting more people with this birth card so I can learn more about how it manifests in different people's lives, especially around relationships. 

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My son is an 8D but he’s only 11 so, not quite sure about the relationship thing ????. He’s got long term solid friendships (but that could be explained by his Sun/Ketu in Leo in his 11th house: his “network”, peers are very important to him, he attracts them easily and it’s always been that way).

That being said, it’s also a very independent spread (KS in the Sun card, and 3H in the Moon card as you mentioned). With me, he likes and probably needs his morning and evening hugs but in between he is living his life and is emotionally secure. I have to chase him around if I want more of that hugging. So tough ????????

7D on the ecliptic: I understand this card as confronting the limitations of resources (including money). So these people can do well for themselves only to realize that there is so much money can bring. I know my son is all about making money and he’s doing pretty well selling stuff (considering his age). His interest is definitely there. I think 8D can be good managers too because they understand resources are limited and how to preserve and improve. Also, because that 5S on Jack/Uranus card has that growth/change flavor. I see this card as the problem solver card and being creative in that area. I can see that in him, sometimes he thinks of solutions that I never thought of. 

My feeling by the end of the reading was that they need to learn the right TIME to leave things.

I think this is spot on. Mostly because I understand 8D as the “luck” card which means being at the right place at the right time. In other words, that’s called intuition and therefore the ability to leave what doesn’t work. 

Have you played with Kala and the search tool to find 8D “celebrities”? You may find some interesting spreads there. 





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Late on this ball too... Anyway, I´ve read a few 8D spreads and have known some of these fascinating persons. A grandmother and a sister among them.

The 3D on Saturn card means, to me: "Don´t waist energy on improving your skills." Because their talent and task is to go within. They already have what they need, it´s all about getting it lined up, inside out. Everything comes to them, as long as they follow their nature. Their underlying card is Queen of Spades. They know who they are. They know how to manage themselves. That´s their foundation.


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... and Five of Clubs - active, changable people - stimulates them in the process (their Venus card), since there is always a risk of getting stuck with an inner focus (eight).





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Im an 8 of diamond s

Never been engaged have an 18 yr old daughter done graduated moved away from home already  and 4 yr old daughter  my baby I truly love so much

Different papas 2024 single mom 3 jobs no man but I wish for one on a star year I think I got my wish it's coming in ! Stay tuned ! 
