"Bad" planet positi...
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"Bad" planet positions cancelling "bad" things

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Hi Ernst and everyone;

I´m struggling with the concept of difficult planet positions cancelling difficulties.

Just reviewed the video about 7 of Diamonds in all positions. As a 5 of Clubs I have it in my Mercury card, so for sure, endings and letting go of things are a big part of my life strategy. Now, the lord Mercury falls in the 5 of Spades Jupiter card; a gritty and tough card, but not a "bad" one. So rather than cancelling the "bad" of the 7 of Diamonds (plans not working out etc), it helps me to accept it and overcome the problems, right? Grit and acceptance. Good judgement. Is that how we should understand it?

(Also I´m deeply into healing processes in a spiritual way; 7 of Diamonds tells us that this world doesn´t quite cut it, and 5 of Spades is about personal improvement, striving for to find your best version. I guess that´s mirrored in the relationship between those two cards. Plus my Mercury card is were my Earth shadow and AK Moon fall. But that´s another story, I guess.)

Best regards

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Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
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Y es, that is how i would read that 7 of diamonds lord. The 5 spades is a great card for you, its not keeping the 7 of diamonds from being a 7, but thats okay cause sevens help us move on and gain wisdom as well. 

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Lets say hypothetically that the 5 Clubs Mercury goes into Jupiter 6 Spades.  Mars and  Jupiter will always have this challenging energy but they wont manifest it when it comes to each other. Even if a focal planet, it just wont be that big a focus or big deal?  

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Hi Ernst and all,     I too need clarity on this.  So for example say there is a  4 Diamonds Mars goes into a 6 Spades Saturn. That makes the Mars not that important in their life? Like neutralizes  it, equal to being Starved, which it is.. and just cant be that malefic? Lets say Saturn is a  7  of Spades with 4 Diamonds Mars then  there would be loss and issues with material stability and security, diamond things in house? 


Thanks and have a good day! Meg C

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Posts: 349

@meg Hi meg, I think I can speak to your second example because I have a similar placement in my chart. I would say your interpretation is pretty accurate. I think the 4 of Diamonds Mars would be trying to fill a void in their life through material means, but their attempts never meet their expectations, or fail to provide them with the desired material stability. In my own chart, I have a 6 of Diamonds Mars going in to 4 of Spades Mercury. I've experienced a lot of career stagnancy in life, both materially and physically, despite continued sustained efforts to move forward on my part.

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@kam This is a veeeeery late question to that reading. These days there has been a discussion about the 11th house as a house of loss. To my understanding what Ernst says is more or less: All earthly gratification in life comes to a cost, and it´s sometimes just not worth paying it. You may have the gratification, sure, but it doesn´t mean that it will grant you any satisfaction or well, that it´s just worth it.

Is that something that you can relate to in relation to the cards you just told Meg about, and your life experience.

I have struggled hard with a trashed 11th house all my life only for to come to the realization, now that I´m 55, that I´m actually better of not having had the worldly success, fame and recognition that I was striving for.
