Harry Potter / 10 o...
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Harry Potter / 10 of Hearts

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I had the joy to do two extense readings in a raw for two 10 of Hearts women and came to understand how that spread really reflects the themes of Harry Potter. JK Rowling is a 10 of Hearts, and so was HP himself according to the story. (Born on July 31).

Some thoughts about it:

- No room for philosophy. This a a magician´s spread. 10 of Diamonds on the Sun Card, Ace of Diamonds on the Mercury card, 5 of Diamonds on the Uranus card. Understanding energy, manifesting things in the real world. (Queen of Diamonds on the Saturn card - not an administrator, it´s focus is on new things, creating, manifesting new things - a magician.) 3 of clubs in the 7th position encourages them not to think too much.

- Queen of Spades on the Neptune position; it´s longterm goal, it´s life project, is to improve, to find the best version of themselves. And indeed, that´the core theme of Harry Potter - how to raise to the occasion. Harry, especially in the last books, give up sany things to become authentic, his very much own best version, finding his own way. Not even Dumbledore can advice him on the most important decisions - he has to find it within himself, becoming the extremely independent, authentic Queen of Spades.

- Five of Diamonds on the Jack Position; Harry Potter constantly evaluates situations. "Is it worth it for me?" Quidditch or school? He doesn´t care about his grade; 5 of Diamonds don´t do that, the don´t see the value in it.

- 8 of Spades Moon card - "My pace, my way, I´m not letting anyone hurry me up."

- 7 of Clubs ecliptic, the falling tower, everything is breaking down around him...........

It´s also interesting how JK Rowling chose to create a male character, since it´s a spread that resonates so well with the feminine gender. Many prominent red cards. It wishes everyone well (10 of Hearts - A world full of happiness) and has no need for shining or being seen. I think it´s a perfect spread for running the show from an unseen position; a traditional female art. And in a way is that what JK Rowling does, perhaps, letting a boy take her place?


Oh, and in the end he becomes a happy family father; after all 10 of Hearts is all about family and children.


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@leela I´m sorry Leela, I just think we are on very different pages. What you say describes exactly my feelings regarding your communicational style.

If her priority is to create a working relationship more than anything else, and to propagate for a 10 of Hearts vision of life, I don´t think it´s incorrect to say that she has succeeded. No matter whose name is on the frontside of the book, or the gender of her hero.

