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Cards of Truth foundation and planets

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Amit Bhat
Posts: 825
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Hello @Ernst 

I have understood cards of truth foundation course you taught. And you were mentioning like this is very critical. I also understood the earth's shadow concept you were talking about. 
My doubt now is like if say 3rd card lord mars is in say 4th card, would it has to be read like creating flying apart situation in that card or would we just see what agenda it would fulfill in 4th card based on what cusp it rules and it's the avastha of mars that would have a say how 4th card would work out? Like say we have 6 of spades in 4th card which is like having security because of sound health. Now say good LA mars shows up in this card, would it be like because of strong energy application, the person will fullfil say wealth agenda in case mars rules 2nd cusp amidst strong secure foundation of health. And in case it's bad LA mars then he would use misguided energy intensely but not yet fly apart from the secure foundation of health? 

So like is position of 3,5 and 7th card Lords only beneficial at 3,5,7 cards only and disruptive at 1,2,4,6 cards and vice versa? Or we don't need to worry about it and just need to see it's LA and what it rules? 

Thank you 

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Sorry for late reply, I was curious about what Ernst would have to say about this. But since he seems to have missed/ignored the question or is late on the ball, meanwhile:

My take on this: Yes, the planets carry over meaning from the card they represent. It brings more nuance to the reading. But the astrological indications are more important, of course, like Mars being Mars, natural karaka for this and this and Jaimini karaka for this and this, creating this and this L avastha etc. But yes, it also brings in the energy that the Mars card represents.


2 Replies
Amit Bhat
Joined: 4 years ago

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Posts: 825


Thanks for your reply 

I was further listening to the course of planets impacting the card and Ernst was explaining the tom cruise spread I think where mars is in Venus card in five of diamonds and he was saying like mars in Venus card is not a problem but having five of diamonds in 6th position is a problem. This example kind of answered my question somewhat.

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Posts: 254

@amit Yep. I´m not sure I understood your question completely. It was whether the planets carry over the energy from the card they represent, right? Nothing else changes because of that, of course, the astrological indications remain the same. 

What I´m not sure about is how to quantify it. I´m a cards guy a little more than an astrology guy, so I´m prone to give it much importance. But I believe it´s like half the effect of an astrological indication, perhaps. If you get my meaning.

The good thing with card reading though, to my experience, is that it´s intuitive and that it tends to work out in the moment you need it. I hope, I believe.

