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Chiron card?

1 Posts
1 Users
Posts: 812
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Noble Member
Joined: 2 years ago

Hi Ernst and everyone;

If there is a "Sun" on "next level" - Uranus - and a Moon (Neptune) and a Mars (Pluto), then there should be six more planets on the second level of consciousness. (The third we aren´t ready for yet, I believe.)

And in that case, there should be six more cards in the spread.

I have come to believe that the asteroid/comet Chiron has a close connection to Saturn, and therefore should be the 16th planet. Hence the 17th card (there is an Ecliptica card in between the 9th and 10th) should be Chiron card. Perhaps.

Of course the ecliptica card ruins the order, so we can´t be sure.

But if that is so... I recommend you to check your 17th card to see it is seems to have anything to do with Chiron. That would be healing, giving up worldly things for to transcend that energy and similar things.

I´m a 5 of Clubs, so for me it would be 6D. Giving up the world basically; it´s more or less what the Uranus card - KD - is already suggesting.

Just an idea.

