Jesus was a Five of...
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Jesus was a Five of Clubs

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It´s a provoking title, not meant to be taken overly serious. But if we agree on one thing: that Jesus Christ was probably not born on December 24, then we can discuss what card he probably represented.

And I suggest: Five of Clubs. (Like myself, haha!)

(Just playing around with the concepts, that helps us to understand them better.)

Some arguments in favour:

- Five of Clubs Birth Card. Deeper meaning: Change. Upgrading a philosophy. Check! Jesus life was all about that.

- Underlying card: 5 of Hearts. A natural capacity for to improve relationships, often seen as a very feminine card. Brings, to my understanding and through my own experience, a special knack for connect to the female. Check I´d say; Jesus is famous for having had close female friends, or am I wrong?

- Overlying card: A new working philosophical system, check!

- Three of Diamonds Sun Card: Tends to bring psychic ability. Capacity for dealing with the energy of people in groups (Donald Trump, Avicii and others). Check!

- Ace of Spades Moon Card: The rebirth card, say no more... Bringing people back to life. Check!

- Seven of Hearts Mars Card: Seven of Hearts; he left home at a very early age it seems. Emotionally independent. Kind of check.

- Seven of Diamonds Mercury Card: The intuitive understanding of the Maya, that this world is nothing more than an illusion. There is something beyond. "My father..." Check!

- Five of Spades Jupiter card: Brings protection from physical threats etc. But also, I guess, a healer card; if you can overcome physical problems yourself you can also help other to heal. Check!

- Jack of Hearts on Venus: The innocent card. The lamb. Check!

- Nine of Clubs on the seventh position: Let God rule the world, don´t try to improve it. Hard to say whether he followd that, after all he never got to Saturn maturation it seems.

- Nine of Spades on the 8th position: Friendship through death... Say no more.

- Two of Hearts on the 9th position: Capacity for loving every person, every landscape your eyes may fall on. Not every 5 of Clubs develop this capacity of course. The 7th of 8th position leading to this are tough, of course. Basically: complete surrender. Jesus seems to have had a notion of this, teaching us to love the simple and immediate things in life: "Look at the lilies..."

- King of Hearts ecliptic; Sacrifice in love. Being a father. Say. No. More.

- King of Diamonds on Uranus position: the material world does not work for 5 of Clubs, it has to go beyond, to the spiritual realm. They are willing to defend their own values, even if they are going to end up nailed on a cross. Check!

- Neptune position: Six of Hearts; endless capacity for good relations, but they have to work hard and constantly for it. Jesus had his disciples and friends, maybe even a GF. He was appearantly very social. Check.

- Pluto: Four of Clubs: Established philosophy not working for them. Jesus and the pharisees. Check.

Once a pentecostal lady in Paraguay gave me a comment I´m very grateful for: "What you say goes against everything I believe in, yet it´s in a strange way very christian." 🙂


