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Jupiter Card

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I want to see if I have understood the Jupiter card correctly....

Jupiter is the creative force within us that arises to fulfil what the heart desires. Is that correct? Or perhaps it is what the Sun desires. I have Sun-Venus conjunction sitting in less than 2 degree orb, so I guess their energies blend together, and perhaps I am not able to separate the two. 

That force is then manifested into concrete form according to the cusps that fall in that card. Is that correct?

If the 7th cusp does not fall in the Jupiter card, it does not need to take the shape of a partnership, but it is where they get what they truly need. The ‘Jupiter’ in this case then becomes any person, male or female, who has the ability and the capability to provide what is denoted as per the cusps, and does not have to be a husband. Is that right?

If the Jupiter card is the ‘husband’, he, too, is a manifestation as per the cusps, and not have an equal give-and-take relationship as that of the 7th house, if the 7th cusp does not fall in the Jupiter card. Is that correct?

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Ernst Wilhelm
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Yes, you are correct in what you are thinking. Jupiter does not have to be the husband, can be counselor, teacher, guru, children or simply one's own creative spirit. Its really one's own creative spirit, when that spirit is developed a person attracts the wealth and people they need to manifest that creativity. 

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The person is also the Jupiter or the giver as denoted by the cusps. They get the same because that is where their capability to give lies. Is that correct? 

As a corollary, we can say the same with regards to any of the cards? So, for Venus card, it is the cusps that denote where they are open to receiving? Would that be correct? Again, if the 7th cusp does not fall in the Venus card, it does not have to be an equal give-and-take partnership.

Ernst Wilhelm
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any cusp that falls in the venus card will be about equal give and take, it will require committable sustainable relationship. so its not the cusp that determines the give and take, its the planet and its card. 

7th has to be give and take to last as well. if there is any imbalance there, it will end eventually. 

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Got it. The generous giving of Jupiter is different than the practical giving of Venus.

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Hi Ernst,

Not sure if this will make sense -

My Jupiter card has the 3rd and 12th cusps in it. Rahu-Jupiter falls in Saturn’s card which has the 1st and 2nd cusps in it.

Does a planet’s energy travel through all the remaining cusps that don’t fall in the card? Perhaps, I should rephrase that and say, does it cause a triggering effect to activate the other cards with the cusps in succession? Does it begin with the lowest cusp in the card or the lowest cusp as to the card where the planet falls?

With Rahu-Jupiter, I am thinking that it starts with the lowest cusp in the Jupiter card. I am not sure if I am feeling that because Jupiter is transiting my 3rd house now, but I can equate it to the reason why I begin new things.

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