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Manifesting factors in the 5th and 7th card

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I´m repeating the chapter about planets manifesting certain things. So, just to make it clear:

A card in 5th or 7th position is in some way averted(5th) or delayed or taken away, or is a "should not" (7th). Now, if there is a manifesting planet in that card, it means that it´s going to manifest anyway, right? So that´s a contradiction? (Which I know is a part of astrology.)

Also, if a self factor like the Lagna or the X falls in an "avoided" card, it means that even though it´s averted or delayed, in some other way it will play out - is that the right way to understand it? Or any cusp falling in that card - in that area of life it will in some way manifest or play out, even though the main indication is "averted"?

Like for example: a friend of mine is a King of Hearts and has 6D as her Saturn card. "Don´t mind about worldly things like luxury etc" would be my advice to such a person. But then she has factors for being a photographer in that card, I don´t remember exactly which, but among them is Venus, so she´s a fantastic wedding photographer, working at a high level with wealthy people. So the luxury card is manifested in her life, yet avoided since she has no personal interest at all in such a life style, rather she lives a remarkably humble life.

Do I get it right?



(Just checked my friends card that I find really interesting. Her lagna, Sun, Mars (light - photography) and Mercury (communication and hustling) is in her 4C Mars card with her 4th, 5th and 12th cusp), that´s the foundation for the photography I guess. Her style is very very based on her own emotions, very subjective (4th house), and very much "let go" of things (12th); she sacrificies normal factors in photography like focus, composititon and everything, it´s a very "piscean" style). In her 6D Saturn card we find her Venus and Jupiter though; the marriage factors in the luxury card; so funny enough her customers are mostly wealthy people; and yes, her photography is very artistic and highly appreciated. See for yourself:

The 8S on her Uranus card makes it impossible for her to hurry up though, so she takes forever to finish a wedding... For that reason she doesn´t do more than a few every year and makes her living working with elder people and as a teacher.)

5 Replies
Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

anytime the 5th card manifests it also manifests a CHANGE that is very significant. the lagna in the 5th card means a change to ones direction in respect to the card there, the 10th cusp there a change in one's actions in respect to the card there. 


and yes ,you got that example right. 

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Posts: 694

@ernst That is so good to take into the equation. Of all the cards the 5th, 7th and 13th tend to be the hardest to understand I think, and the greasiest one tends to be the Jupiter card. It´s always a coming and going, a yes and yet a no. Takes quite some training to fully understand - if we can ever do that. For me it´s like a trickster placement, life is making fun of us on that position.


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

a five in the 5th card is generally very positive change. Its when a person gets past the crux of that fifth card after which its always much smoother sailing. 

Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago


Ernst Wilhelm
Posts: 3502
Joined: 12 years ago

Yes, for sure, troubesome planets in the 5ht card hinder us from overcoming the issues of that card. 
