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Underlying/Overlying cards - yet another example

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Again using my own spread, 5 of Clubs.

5 of Clubs is a judgment card, it struggles hard to resolve the problems how we can be right about something without being rigid, and how we can have a good judgment without being judgmental.

The OVERLYING card is 4C, so one of the main goals is to develop a working theory on life. A practical, hands-on, down-to-earth understanding, that lets the poor wornout 5 of Clubs rest his - or her - mind for a while.

First a little foundation, understanding the blocking clubs in the spread:

The Saturn card: 9C, tells 5C to LET GO OF IDEALISM, and even of IDEAS. "Don´t tell God how to run the world!" 5C who get caught in idealism, can get very very ill. I got to knew a 5C that is very famous in my native Sweden, a writer/director/journalist known for her very high intellectual standards; ethics, always worried about the world - but she is also famous for having been dying in anorexia for over 30 years. Her Jupiter is with Rahu, so all her ideas are false, sadly enough...

And the Pluto card: 4C. Being right in a rigid, dogmatic way doesn´t work well for a 5 of clubs. In situations in which we are not more dogmatic than anyone else, life tends to punish us harder for it. Because we have to move on.

Now: The Ketu card, where the solution is presented, is 2H. So after having given up all the fix ideas about the world (9C) and allowing God to run the show, AND giving up all detachment (9S on the Rahu card), 5C has the capacity for to fall DEEPLY in love, finally without any judgment! And what comes out of that? The wonderful overlying card of 2H: Ace of Clubs. New inspiration, a new way of thinking, a complete renewal of how to understand the world or go about it.

