Various questions t...
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Various questions that arose during videos...

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I am methodically going through the videos (NOT taking "copious notes" 🙂 ) and have several questions that maybe I can get help with.

1. If Mars is exalted in Rasi how does it compare to how it reads in the card spreads. I know Ernst said he noticed more difficult Mars when looking at them through the card system. Is "exalted" the same as "proud"? (image attached of Mars position in birthcard spread). 

2. If Ketu is in Mars card it is a strong-willed Mars. What happens, though, if the Mars card, in whatever card position, goes contrary to that? Where is importance put?

3. I'm very confused about placement of rahu/ketu and wonder if I should NOT look at Rasi charts also... For example, mine - which brings up modern delineations for 4/10 houses, are closer to the 3/9 axis using the cusps. In the birthcard spread, they sit in 3/9. So - can I assume that 3/9 are really the truer ones that pertain to my chart? If so, is there any way in Kala that I can read those delineations (4/10 is what populates) in the delineation window.

4. In using degree based indicators in the cards, lets say the sun is the indicator for the children. Is it JUST read as representing the children, then, or is it also read as for the person?

5. I know several 9Clubs people; each of them has in their lexicon said "they felt like an orphan" for various reasons (neither were; one had quite old parents...). These people are such an enigma. It seems as is their hearts are very protected and somewhat closed, most likely due to early pain in childhood. The notes I do take are real practical ones such as, on a practical level, what do various cards exhibit in real life and would love the bottom line on what a 9 clubs person is really about...(image of one of these people is attached)

6. In looking at cards 8 and 9, and the placement or rahu/ketu, which of these sets give a clearer understanding to the path of the soul's development. Going back to one of the 9 Clubs person, how would this person's soul development best be approached... With Jack Spades in card 8 I see, and know, how this person just goes it alone; won't ask for help. Additionally, the 8 Clubs 9th card, to me, shows someone that is quite stubborn in certain things. This person has a very warm heart and tenderness (nice moon??) but accessing those emotions, as they are uncomfortable, is a big block for this person. I'd love to know how to merge the meanings of the Rahu Card 8 with the Rahu placement in Mars Card - King Hearts.

7. Maybe I should post a different thread, but I'm wondering IF there is anyone out there that would like to form an informal group to go over spreads together, to deepen learning. I'm willing to organize and create the "Zooms" - would really love to connect on this system. So much potential in this system and I know that I benefit from group dialogue... if anyone is interested, I can be contacted directly, if that is ok with Ernst!

Thank you very much.

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Hi Lisa, I´m almost finishing listening to the videos for the second time, so I feel that I can answer at least some of your questions. I hope that´s OK; maybe you want Ernst to answer them, but since you didn´t direct your question directly to him...

1. I wouldn´t say that Mars exalted and proud is the same, because the first word refers to the dignity and the second is a lajjitaadi avasthas. With that said: yes, only an exalted planet is proud, so it coincides.

2. You mean, I suppose, what happens if Mars indicates something else due to it´s position? The planetary position is a stronger indication than the card, generally speaking. Of course, if he card has a lot of planets in it, or any special cusp relevant to the theme we are studying, then it might be equally important. But as a general rule, the planet position is like twice important as the card to my understanding. What happens with the card depending on the lord´s placement. It depends. For example, a "bad" card - let´s say 4H as the Mars card, well, if Mars is in a "bad" card too - a 6C in the Saturn card for example, then that improves the Mars card to a high degree.

3. Yes, for Rahu and Ketu mind the cusps.

4. You read every planet as you always do; Sun is an indicator for the higher purpose, being constant, independence, purity etc. But it´s also, and specifically, a child indicator that you use when reading the chart for that purpose.

5. 9C is one of the cards that we relate to the hermit card in the tarot deck. On their Sun card, that is ruling the first 52 years of their lives, we find the other hermit card: 9S. And their Rahu card is JS, the orphan card, so indeed, they learn through an orphan like experience. 9C is a lot about independence and finding their own personal value (system).

6. The Ketu card I see more as a mature fruit falling into the person´s hand, if they do their Saturn and Rahu experience. And 8 Clubs has nothing to do with stubborness I´d say, it´s rather an expression for their capacity to share in groups and being a happy leave flying in the wind, sharing inspiration, sharing ideas etc. After so much solitude that seems like a nice prize to win. Recently today I visited a 9C friend who is in the Ketu age, 48 or 49, and indeed, she has speant much time in solitude, organizing events herself and is now surrounded by many people.

Their Mars card, KH, is about accepting losses in relations, not being afraid to give up them, realizing that sacrifices in love gives abundance in love in the long term (or focus on self love). Rahu their, being a JS, is an indication of fear for the solitude and lack of self confidence being self reliant; so the King of Hearts process gets stalled. But Mercury there helps and lets the energy flow, so it´s almost a 50/50 situation, a little worse than good though, I think.


7. Wonderful idea! We had one a couple of years ago. I was in charge and ended up screwing it up, well, not completely alone, but I didn´t manage it well. But if you want to form a group I will willingly take part in it.

Best regards

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@meyes Thank you so much for your response.

I’m so enthused about this system, especially after studying different approaches, and this makes much more sense…though I have questions and I would like to somehow connect with others that share this course of study. how do you think we could best find some additional people? Maybe the ones you interacted with a couple years ago? Maybe Ernst could offer an opinion on how to reach out to people that are involved in this course. If I got the emails I could contact them. I dont know how many people are active on the forum and would like to somehow reach those that might miss my suggestion here. Feel free to email me directly at 

Regarding that 9 clubs person you responded about… He has his moon in the 12th house alone, with no planets on either side house. What is interesting is he has his sun on the mid heaven (with ketu) with a big, engaging personality in his career. In reality, he is very hermit like, which is surprising. I wonder how that feels for people. A strong drive to be public in career yet maybe not really comfortable there.

Hope we can out something together and hope Ernst will possibly weigh in. 


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@lisakuimjiansbcglobal-net I´ll write to you about that.

As for contradictions Ernst says in one of his videos something like: "Welcome to astrology, the world of contradictions!" Although I would rathar speak about dualities oftentimes. And in every  birth spread you find the main theme expressed in dual way I think, seemingly contradictory, like 10C being very active but reeeaaally long for a long and cosy rest, and as we see here 9C having a strong longing for company and wanting the world to be a happy Disneyland (8C on the 9th and 10H on the Neptune card), yet being a solo player. But I think it´s very logic; life creates itself out of dualities. It´s two ends of the same stick. I think.

