Most things in life seems to be covered by the concrete meanings list, but I don´t see any direct indication for lies or false information in the cards. Only indirectly by the Jack of Spades as a con man and a thief. Plus some spades indications approaching that; misunderstanding, incompatiblity, confusion and similar.
I don´t know what card would indicate that though. Since 2 of Clubs is just information; no indication whether it has any actual value or not. Untested. Otherwise I would have expected that to be a possible meaning of 3 of Clubs; getting away from information.
Any thoughts about that anyone/Ernst?
@meyes the 2 of Spades can cover lies and false information, according to the concrete meanings video. Here are some of my notes from the video:
2 of Spades is:
-bad news (all 2's are news)
-betrayal (you got screwed so your only option is self-reliance)
-gossip (the act of gossiping or being gossiped about)
-a grudge (a hate or resentment you harbour towards another person, so you close off from them and fly in to yourself)
-guilt (becoming completely self-sufficient because of guilt, not wanting to relate at all to that person)
-negative emotions (that a person can just get stuck in and never get out of if it's in a bad place)
Yes, it comes close. But to my understanding it wouldn´t lead to explicit prediction "you are being lied to" or "there is false information".
Cards afflicted by Rahu?
Not in card reading Mirela, only in the Birth Card system.